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unzipsfx (1)


unzipsfx - extraction (SFX) program. Append a ZIP archive to it to make a self-extracting archive bundle.


name_of_unzipsfx+archive_bundle [ unzip_options ] [ member ... ]


UNZIPSFX(1)                 General Commands Manual                UNZIPSFX(1)

       unzipsfx  -  self-extraction (SFX) program.  Append a ZIP archive to it
       to make a self-extracting archive bundle.

       name_of_unzipsfx+archive_bundle [ unzip_options ] [ member ... ]

       UnZipSFX is a special edition of UnZip which is designed to be attached
       to  the  beginning of an existing, ordinary ZIP archive to form a self-
       extracting (SFX) archive.  Unlike the normal UnZip program, which works
       on  an  archive specified on its command line, UnZipSFX works on an ar-
       chive which has been appended to itself.

       Minimizing the size of a self-extracting archive, means minimizing  the
       size  of  the UnZipSFX program itself.  Thus UnZipSFX is normally built
       without some of the less important features found in the  normal  UnZip
       program.   Among these are the help/usage displays (-h, -hh), the list-
       ing and diagnostic functions (-l, -v),  the  ability  to  process  some
       older  compression  methods  ("Implode",  "Reduce",  "Shrink"), and, by
       default, some newer compression methods (bzip2,  LZMA,  PPMd)  and  any
       encryption methods.

       Starting with UnZipSFX version 5.50, the ability to extract to a direc-
       tory other than the current  one  (-d dest_dir)  has  been  enabled  by
       default.   Some  or  all  of the optional compression and/or encryption
       methods can be enabled at build time, at the  cost  of  increasing  the
       size of the resulting UnZipSFX program.

       Starting with UnZip version 5.50, another build-time option adds a sim-
       ple "run command after extraction" feature.  This feature is  currently
       incompatible  with  the  "extract to different directory" (-d dest_dir)
       feature, and remains disabled by default.

       All the build-time options  controlling  UnZipSFX  features  should  be
       explained  in the UnZip installation instructions (INSTALL).  Note that
       the features (such as optional encryption or compression methods) which
       are  available  in  an  UnZipSFX  executable  are  determined  when the
       UnZipSFX executable is built.  However, the features which  are  needed
       are  determined  when the ZIP archive is created.  The user must decide
       which optional features to include in or exclude from the UnZipSFX exe-
       cutable,  and then use only the available UnZipSFX features when creat-
       ing an archive for use as a self-extracting archive.  Enabling optional
       features  in  UnZipSFX  makes  the executable bigger (and hence SFX ar-
       chives made with it).   Of  course,  the  greater  efficiency  of  some
       optional  compression  method might save enough space to compensate for
       the bigger UnZipSFX executable which would be needed to deal  with  it.
       And,  if  encryption  is  desired, then the UnZipSFX executable must be
       able to deal with that.

       Users with complex requirements may find it useful to  build  multiiple
       UnZipSFX  executables  with  different  feature sets for different pur-
       poses.  The user is responsible for managing multiple UnZipSFX executa-
       bles.   The  UnZip builders offer no tools to help, and, without a "-v"
       report, determining the capabilities of an UnZipSFX executable  is  not
       very  easy.  The user is also responsible for testing a self-extracting
       archive on the target system, to ensure that  the  UnZipSFX  executable
       used has all the features it needs to process the attached archive.

              Note  that  the UnZipSFX executable in a self-extracting archive
              is a real executable program, and so is not  generally  portable
              from  one  operating system or hardware architecture to another.
              The ZIP archive within a self-extracting  archive  can  be  pro-
              cessed  anywhere using a normal UnZip program.  (At worst, UnZip
              will emit a warning like  "nnnn  extra  bytes  at  beginning  or
              within  zipfile",  but using "zip -A" on an SFX bundle will pre-
              vent even that annoyance.)

       member ...
              An optional list of archive members to be  processed,  separated
              by  spaces.   If  no  member list is specified, then all archive
              members are processed.  Wildcard patterns may be used  to  match
              multiple  members.   These  wildcard  expressions are similar to
              those supported (for "globbing") in commonly  used  Unix  shells
              (csh, ksh, sh, and so on) and may contain:

              *      matches a sequence of 0 or more characters.

              ?      matches exactly 1 character.

              [...]  matches  any  single character found inside the brackets.
                     Ranges are specified by a beginning character, a  hyphen,
                     and  an  ending character.  If an exclamation point ("!")
                     or a caret ("^") follows the left bracket, then the range
                     of  characters within the brackets is complemented.  That
                     is, anything except the characters inside the brackets is
                     considered  a  match.  To specify a literal left bracket,
                     use the three-character sequence "[[]".

              Be sure to escape or quote any character(s) that might otherwise
              be interpreted or modified by the operating system, particularly
              Unix shells.

OPTIONS (Primary Mode)
       Options in this group (-c -f -p -t -u -z) specify the primary  mode  of
       operation  of  UnZipSFX.  Only one of these primary mode options may be

              Primary Mode.  Extract files to stdout/screen.  This  option  is
              similar  to  the  -p option except that the name of each file is
              displayed as it is extracted, and  the  -a  option  is  allowed,
              which  can  provide  automatic  ASCII-EBCDIC  conversion,  where

              Primary Mode.  Freshen existing files.  That  is,  extract  only
              those  files  that already exist on disk and that are newer than
              the disk copies.  By default, UnZipSFX queries before  overwrit-
              ing,  but  the  -o  option  may be used to suppress the queries.
              Note that on many operating systems, the TZ (timezone)  environ-
              ment  variable  must  be set correctly in order for -f and -u to
              work properly.  (On Unix the variable is usually  set  automati-
              cally.)  The reasons for this are somewhat subtle but have to do
              with the differences between DOS-format file times (always local
              time)  and  Unix-format  times (always UTC) and the necessity to
              compare the two.  A typical TZ value is  "PST8PDT"  (US  Pacific
              time with automatic adjustment for Daylight Saving Time).

              Primary  Mode.  Extract files to stdout (pipe).  Only the actual
              file data for the members are sent to stdout (no file names,  or
              other information, as would be displayed with -c), and the files
              are always extracted in binary format, just as they  are  stored
              (no line-ending or ASCII-EBCDIC conversions).

              Primary  Mode.   Test  archive members.  Testing means that each
              archive member is extracted in memory (expanding and decrypting,
              as  needed),  but  not  written  to  a  file.  The resulting CRC
              (cyclic redundancy check, an enhanced checksum) of the extracted
              data is then compared with the original file's stored CRC value,
              and an error message is emitted if a CRC mismatch is detected.

              Primary mode.  Update existing files  and  create  new  ones  if
              needed.   This  mode  performs  the same function as the Freshen
              (-f) mode, extracting (with query) files  that  are  newer  than
              those  with  the  same  name on disk, but it also extracts those
              files that do not already exist on disk.   See  -f,  above,  for
              information on setting the timezone properly.

              Primary mode.  Display only the archive comment.

OPTIONS (Ordinary)
              [VMS]  Convert  extracted  file  names to ODS2-compatible names,
              even on an ODS5 file system.  By  default,  if  the  destination
              file  system  is ODS5, case is preserved, and extended file name
              characters are caret-escaped as needed, while if the destination
              file  system  is  ODS2,  ODS2-invalid characters are replaced by

              Convert text files.  Ordinarily, all files are extracted exactly
              as  they  are stored, byte-for-byte.  With -a, line endings in a
              text file are adjusted to the local  standard  as  the  file  is
              extracted.  When appropriate, ASCII<-->EBCDIC conversion is also

              Zip  (or  a  similar  archiving  program)  identifies  files  as
              "binary" or "text" when they are archived.  (A short-format Zip-
              Info report denotes a binary file with a "b", and  a  text  file
              with a "t".)  Zip's identification of text files may not be per-
              fect, so UnZipSFX prints "[text]"  or  "[binary]"  as  a  visual
              check  for each file it extracts with -a.  The -aa option forces
              all files to be extracted (and converted) as text, regardless of
              the supposed file type.

              [VMS]  On VMS, for archives with VMS attribute information (made
              with "zip -V" or "ZIP /VMS"),  files  are  always  created  with
              their   original  record  formats.   For  archives  without  VMS
              attribute information (not made with  "zip -V"  or  "ZIP /VMS"),
              all  files  are  normally  created with Stream_LF record format.
              With -a, text files are normally  created  with  variable-length
              record format, but adding -S gives them Stream_LF record format.
              With -aa, all files are treated as text files.  See also -b  and

              Support for line-ending conversion for text files may be removed
              in some future UnZipSFX version, because the creator of a  self-
              ectracting  archive  should  easily  be able to ensure that text
              files have the appropriate characteristics for  the  SFX  target
              system  (and  expecting  the SFX user to specify the appropriate
              option is unreliable).  ASCII-EBCDIC conversion must continue to
              be supported, because the ZIP archive format implies ASCII stor-
              age of text files.

              [Tandem, VMS] Selects the file record format used when  extract-
              ing  binary  files.  -b may conflict or interact with -a in dif-
              ferent ways on different system types.  -b is ignored on systems
              other than Tandem and VMS.

              Zip  (or  a  similar  archiving  program)  identifies  files  as
              "binary" or "text" when they are archived.  (A short-format Zip-
              Info  report  denotes  a binary file with a "b", and a text file
              with a "t".)

              [Tandem] Force the creation files with filecode type  180  ('C')
              when extracting archive members marked as "text". (On Tandem, -a
              is enabled by default, see above).

              [VMS] On VMS, for archives with VMS attribute information  (made
              with  "zip -V"  or  "ZIP /VMS"),  files  are always created with
              their  original  record  formats.   For  archives  without   VMS
              attribute  information  (not  made with "zip -V" or "ZIP /VMS"),
              files are normally created with Stream_LF record  format.   With
              -b,  binary files are created with fixed-length, 512-byte record
              format.  With -bb, all files are treated as binary files.   When
              extracting  to  standard output (-c or -p option in effect), the
              default conversion of text record  delimiters  is  disabled  for
              binary files (with -b), or for all files (with -bb).

       --ignore-case    ([CMS, MVS] --CMS-MVS-lower)
              Use  case-insensitive  name  matching for file names in the file
              list and the -x excluded-file list  on  the  command  line.   By
              default, case-sensitive matching is done.  For example, specify-
              ing "makefile" on the command line will match only "makefile" in
              the archive, not "Makefile" or "MAKEFILE".  On many systems, the
              local file system is case-insensitive, so case-insensitive  name
              matching would be more natural.  With -C, "makefile" would match
              "makefile", "Makefile", or "MAKEFILE".

              -C does not affect the matching of archive members  to  existing
              files on the extraction path.  So, on a case-sensitive file sys-
              tem, UnZipSFX will never try to  overwrite  a  file  "FOO"  when
              extracting a member named "foo"!

              Primary Mode.  Extract files to stdout/screen.  For details, see
              Primary Mode options.

              Control timestamps  on  extracted  files  and  directories.   By
              default,  UnZipSFX  restores timestamps for extracted files, but
              not for directories it creates.  Specifying  -D  tells  UnZipSFX
              not to restore any timestamps.  Specifying -D- tells UnZipSFX to
              restore timestamps for directories as well as other items.   -D-
              works only on systems that support setting timestamps for direc-
              tories (currently ATheOS, BeOS, MacOS, OS/2, Unix, VMS,  Win32).
              On  other systems, -D- has no effect.

              [Non-VMS]  Timestamp  restoration behavior changed between UnZip
              versions 6.00 and 6.1.  The following table shows the effects of
              various -D options for both versions.

                         UnZip version      |
                        6.00    |    6.1    | Restore timestamps on:
                         -DD    |    -D     | Nothing.
                         -D     | (default) | Files, not directories.
                      (default) |    -D-    | Files and directories.

              [VMS]  The  old behavior on VMS was the same as the new behavior
              on all systems.  (The old negated --D option is now -D-, because
              of changes to the command-line parser.)

       -d dest_dir
       --extract-dir dest_dir
              Specifies  a  destination  directory  for  extracted  files.  By
              default, files are extracted (and subdirectories created) in the
              current  directory.   With  -d dest_dir, extraction is done into
              the specified directory, instead.

              The option and directory may be concatenated without  any  white
              space  between them, but this may cause normal shell behavior to
              be suppressed.  For example, "-d ~" (tilde) is expanded by  Unix
              shells  into the name of the user's home directory, but "-d~" is
              treated as a literal "~" subdirectory of the current directory.

              [VMS] On VMS, only a VMS-style device:[directory]  specification
              is permitted.

              This option may be disabled at build time in UnZipSFX.

              [Acorn]  Suppress  removal of NFS filetype extension from stored

              [non-Acorn systems supporting long filenames with embedded  com-
              mas,  and  only if compiled with ACORN_FTYPE_NFS defined] Trans-
              late filetype information from ACORN RISC OS extra field  blocks
              into  a NFS filetype extension and append it to the names of the
              extracted files.  (When the stored filename appears  already  to
              have  an  appended NFS filetype extension, it is replaced by the
              info from the extra field.)

              Primary Mode.  Freshen existing files.  For details, see Primary
              Mode options.

       -I char_set
       --iso-char-set char_set
              [Unix] Select ISO character set char_set.

              [BeOS]  Junk  file  attributes.  The file's BeOS file attributes
              are not restored, only the file's data.

              [MacOS] Ignore MacOS extra fields.  All Macintosh-specific  info
              is skipped.  AppleDouble files are restored as separate files.

              Junk   directories.   With  -j,  all  directory  information  is
              stripped from an archive member name, so all files are extracted
              into the destination directory.  (See also -d.)

              If a depth (=depth, where depth is a positive integer) is speci-
              fied, then that number of directory levels will be stripped from
              an  archive  member  name.   For example, an archive member like
              "a/b/c/d/ee.txt"    would    normally    be     extracted     as
              "a/b/c/d/ee.txt".   With  -j, it would be extracted as "ee.txt".
              With -j=2, the first two directory levels would be stripped,  so
              it would be extracted as "c/d/ee.txt".

       Treat archive(s) as Java JAR.  Over-simplification in Java JAR archives
       can cause UnZipSFX to transform UTF-8 file names according to  inappro-
       priate (MS-DOS) rules, yielding corrupt names on extracted files (typi-
       cally those with character codes 128-255).  Archives containing a  Java
       "CAFE"  extra  field should be detected automatically, and handled cor-
       rectly, but not all JAR archives include that extra field.   Specifying
       --jar  tells UnZipSFX to expect UTF-8 file names, regardless of whether
       the archive contains a "CAFE" extra field.
              [AtheOS, BeOS, Unix, VMS] Control how  archived  permissions  or
              protections are restored on extracted files and directories.

              By  default, archived permissions are restored with some limita-
              tions.  On AtheOS, BeOS, and Unix, the current  umask  value  is
              applied  (to  the normal user/group/other permissions).  On VMS,
              the current default  protection  is  applied  to  the  UIC-based
              (SOGW) protections.

              With -k, the archived permissions are restored without regard to
              the Unix umask or VMS default protection.  (This was the default
              behavior in UnZip versions before 6.1.)

              With -k-, the archived permissions are ignored, so only the Unix
              umask or VMS default protection is effective.  (On VMS, directo-
              ries are always created without any Delete access.)

              On  AtheOS,  BeOS, and Unix, the SUID/SGID/Tacky permission bits
              are controlled by the -K/--keep-s-attrs  option,  regardless  of
              the -k/--keep-permissions setting.

              [VMS] Restore ACLs on extracted files and directories.

              Convert  to  lowercase any filename originating on an uppercase-
              only operating system or  file  system.   (This  was  UnZipSFX's
              default  behavior  in versions before 5.11.  The current default
              behavior is the same as the old behavior with the -U option.  -U
              is now used for another purpose.)

              Depending  on the archiver, files archived from single-case file
              systems (old MS-DOS FAT, VMS ODS2, and so on) may be  stored  as
              all-uppercase  names;  this  can  be  ugly  or inconvenient when
              extracting to a case-preserving file system such as OS/2 HPFS or
              a  case-sensitive  one  such  as  on Unix.  By default, UnZipSFX
              lists and extracts such  filenames  exactly  as  they're  stored
              (excepting  truncation, conversion of unsupported characters, an
              so on).  With -L, the names of all files  from  certain  systems
              will  be  converted to lowercase.  With -LL, all file names will
              be down-cased, regardless of the originating file system.

       -M    [CMS,MVS] Or: -m)
              Pipe all output through an internal pager similar  to  the  Unix
              more(1)  command.  At the end of a screenful of output, UnZipSFX
              pauses with a "--More--"  prompt;  the  next  screenful  may  be
              viewed  by  pressing  the  Enter/Return  key  or  the space bar.
              UnZipSFX can be terminated by pressing the "Q" key and, on  some
              systems, the Enter/Return key.  Unlike Unix more(1), there is no
              forward-searching or editing capability.  Also, UnZipSFX doesn't
              notice if long lines wrap at the edge of the screen, effectively
              resulting in the printing of two or more lines and  the  likeli-
              hood that some text will scroll off the top of the screen before
              being viewed.  If the actual number of lines on the  screen  can
              not be determined, 24 lines will be assumed.

              When  extracting,  never  overwrite  existing  files.  If a file
              already exists, then skip the extraction of  that  file  without
              asking.  See also -o (--overwrite).

              By default, UnZipSFX queries the user before extracting any file
              that already exists.  The user may choose to overwrite only  the
              current  file,  overwrite all files, skip extraction of the cur-
              rent file, skip extraction of all existing files, or rename  the
              current file (choose a new name for the extracted file).

              [VMS]  On  VMS, the usual query choices are to create a new ver-
              sion of an existing file, to skip extraction, or to  rename  the
              current file.  In the case where an archive member name includes
              a version number, and -V ("retain VMS file version numbers")  is
              in  effect, then an additional query choice is offered: to over-
              write the existing file.

       -O char_set
       --oem-char-set char_set
              [Unix] Select OEM character set char_set.

              When extracting, always overwrite existing files without prompt-
              ing.   This  is a dangerous option, so use it with care.  (It is
              often used with -f, however, and is the only  way  to  overwrite
              directory EAs on OS/2.)  See also -n (--never-overwrite).

              By default, UnZipSFX queries the user before extracting any file
              that already exists.

              [Non-VMS] On non-VMS systems, the user may choose  to  overwrite
              only  the  current file, overwrite all files, skip extraction of
              the current file, skip extraction  of  all  existing  files,  or
              rename  the  current  file  (choose a new name for the extracted

              [VMS] On VMS, the usual query choices are to create a  new  ver-
              sion  of  an existing file, to skip extraction, or to rename the
              current file.  In the case where an archive member name includes
              a  version number, and -V ("retain VMS file version numbers") is
              in effect, then an additional query choice is offered: to  over-
              write the existing file.  In this case, -o selects the "new ver-
              sion" choice,  and  -oo  (or:  -o -o)  selects  the  "overwrite"

       -P password
       --password password
              [CRYPT_AES_WG,  CRYPT_TRAD]  -P  ("--password") is valid only if
              encryption support was enabled at build-time  for  the  UnZipSFX

              Use  password  to  decrypt  encrypted  archive members (if any).
              THIS IS INSECURE!  Many  multi-user  operating  systems  provide
              ways  for  any user to see the current command line of any other
              user.  Even on stand-alone systems, there is always  the  threat
              of over-the-shoulder peeking.  Storing the plaintext password as
              part of a command line in an automated script can be  even  less
              secure,   Whenever  possible,  use  the non-echoing, interactive
              prompt to enter passwords.  Where security is  truly  important,
              use a strong encryption method, such as AES, instead of the rel-
              atively weak encryption provided by Traditional ZIP  encryption.
              Or,  use  an  external encryption program, such as GnuPG, before
              archiving the file.  (Note that Zip will probably not be able to
              do  significant  compression  on  a  file which has already been

              Primary Mode.  Extract files to stdout (pipe).  For details, see
              Primary Mode options.

              Perform  operations  quietly.   (-qq:  even  more  quietly).  By
              default, UnZipSFX prints the names of the files it's  extracting
              or  testing,  the extraction methods, any member or archive com-
              ments that may be stored in the archive, and possibly a  summary
              when finished with each archive.  The -q[q] options suppress the
              printing of some or all of these messages.

              [Tandem] Remove file extensions.

              [VMS] Use Stream_LF record format when converting extracted text
              files  (-a,  -aa),  instead  of the text-file default, variable-
              length record format.

              [VMS] On VMS, for archives with VMS attribute information  (made
              with  "zip -V"),  files  are  always created with their original
              record formats.  For archives without VMS attribute  information
              (not  made  with  "zip -V"), all files are normally created with
              Stream_LF record format.  With -a, text files are normally  cre-
              ated  with  variable-length  record  format, but adding -S gives
              them Stream_LF record format.  With -aa, all files  are  treated
              as text files.  See also -a and -b.

              Convert spaces in filenames to underscores.  Normally, on a sys-
              tem which allows spaces in filenames,  UnZipSFX  extracts  file-
              names  with spaces intact (for example, "EA DATA. SF").  Working
              with such file names can be awkward, however, so -s can be  used
              to replace spaces with underscores.

              Primary  Mode.   Test archive members.  For details, see Primary
              Mode options.

              [UNICODE_SUPPORT] Control UTF-8 handling.  When  UNICODE_SUPPORT
              is available, -U forces UnZipSFX to escape all non-ASCII charac-
              ters from UTF-8 coded filenames as "#Uxxxx' (for  UCS-2  charac-
              ters,  or  "#Lxxxxxx"  for Unicode codepoints needing 3 octets).
              This option is provided mainly for debugging,  when  the  fairly
              new UTF-8 support is suspected of mangling extracted filenames.

              -UU  disables  the  recognition of UTF-8 encoded filenames.  The
              handling of filename codings within UnZipSFX falls back  to  the
              behavior of pre-Unicode versions.

              [old,  obsolete  usage]  Leave filenames uppercase if created on
              MS-DOS, VMS, and so on.  See -L.

              Primary mode.  Update existing files  and  create  new  ones  if
              needed.  For details, see Primary Mode options.

              [Non-CMS-MVS]   Retain  VMS file version numbers.  VMS files can
              be stored with a version number,  in  the  format  file.type;##,
              where  "##" is a positive decimal number.  By default, the ";##"
              version numbers are stripped, but this option allows them to  be
              retained.  (On file systems that limit filenames to particularly
              short lengths, the version numbers may be truncated or  stripped
              regardless of this option.)

              [Non-VMS]  Note that before UnZip version 6.1, on a non-VMS sys-
              tem, a file with a name like "fred;123" would,  by  default,  be
              extracted as "fred", even if the file did not originate on a VMS
              system (so that ";123" was probably not  really  a  VMS  version
              number).  Beginning with UnZip version 6.1, the default behavior
              is to strip VMS version  numbers  only  from  files  which  were
              archived  on  a  VMS  system.   To restore the old behavior, and
              always strip apparent VMS version numbers, explicitly negate the
              option: -V-.

              [VMS]  Note that on VMS, -V affects only version numbers, and is
              not needed to restore VMS  file  attributes.   Zip's  -V  (/VMS)
              option  is  required  to store VMS attributes in an archive.  If
              that was done when an archive was created,  then  UnZipSFX  will
              always restore those attributes when a file is extracted.

              [WILD_STOP_AT_DIR]  (Valid when the program was built with the C
              macro WILD_STOP_AT_DIR defined.)  By default, the wildcard char-
              acters "?"  (single-character wildcard) and "*" (multi-character
              wildcard) match any character in a member path/name.  "-W" modi-
              fies  the  pattern-matching behavior for archive members so that
              both "?"  (single-character wildcard) and  "*"  (multi-character
              wildcard)  do  not  match the directory separator character "/".
              (The two-character sequence "**" acts as a multi-character wild-
              card  that includes the directory separator in its matched char-
              acters.)  For example, with "-W":

               "*.c" matches "foo.c" but not "mydir/foo.c"
               "**.c" matches both "foo.c" and "mydir/foo.c"
               "*/*.c" matches "bar/foo.c" but not "baz/bar/foo.c"
               "??*/*" matches "ab/foo" and "abc/foo"
                       but not "a/foo" or "a/b/foo"

              This modified behavior is equivalent  to  the  pattern  matching
              style  used by the shells of some of UnZipSFX's supported target
              OSs (one example is Acorn RISC OS).   This  option  may  not  be
              available  on systems where the Zip archive's internal directory
              separator character "/"  is  allowed  as  regular  character  in
              native operating system filenames.

              [non-VMS]  Currently,  UnZipSFX  uses  the same pattern matching
              rules for both wildcard archive file name specifications and ar-
              chive  member selection patterns on most system types.  For sys-
              tems allowing "/" as regular filename character, the  -W  option
              would  not  work  as expected on a wildcard file name specifica-

              [VMS, Unix, OS/2, NT, Tandem] Restore owner info (UIC on VMS, or
              user  and  group info (UID/GID) on Unix, or access control lists
              (ACLs) on certain network-enabled versions of OS/2 (Warp  Server
              with  IBM LAN Server/Requester 3.0 to 5.0; Warp Connect with IBM
              Peer 1.0), or security ACLs on Windows NT.)  In most cases  this
              will  require special system privileges, and doubling the option
              (-XX) on NT instructs UnZipSFX to use privileges for extraction;
              but  on  Unix, for example, a user who belongs to several groups
              can restore files owned by any of those groups, so long  as  the
              user  IDs  match  the  user's  own.   Note  that  ordinary  file
              attributes are always restored.  This  option  applies  only  to
              optional,  extra ownership info available on some operating sys-
              tems.  (NT's access control lists do not appear to be especially
              compatible  with OS/2's, so no attempt is made at cross-platform
              portability of access privileges.  It is not clear  under  which
              conditions this would ever be useful anyway.)

       -x member ...
       --exclude member ...
              An optional list of archive members to be excluded from process-
              ing.  Because wildcard characters normally match  "/"  directory
              separators  (for exceptions, see the option -W), this option may
              be used to exclude any files that are  in  subdirectories.   For
              example,  "unzip foo *.[ch] -x */*"  would  extract all C source
              files (*.c, *.h) in the main directory, but none in  any  subdi-
              rectories.   Without  the  -x  option, all C source files in all
              directories in the archive would be extracted.

              When the program sees -x (--exclude) on a command line, it stops
              scanning for options, and treats every succeeding item as an ar-
              chive member name.  To avoid any confusion between member  names
              and command options, it's simplest to specify -x (--exclude mem-
              ber) and its member list as the last items on  a  command  line.
              Alternatively, the special name "@" can be used to terminate the
              member list (and  cause  the  program  to  resume  scanning  for
              options).   That is, for example, the following two commands are
                        example_sfx -b -x file1 file2 file3
                        example_sfx -x file1 file2 file3 @ -b

              [VMS] Treat archive member name endings of ".nnn"  (where  "nnn"
              is  a  decimal  number)  as  if  they  were  VMS version numbers
              (";nnn").  (The default is to treat them as  file  types.)   For
                       "a.b.3" -> "a.b;3"

              Primary  mode.   Display only the archive comment.  For details,
              see Primary Mode options.

              [MS-DOS, NT, OS/2, VMS] Restore the volume label if the  extrac-
              tion  medium  is  removable (for example, a diskette).  Doubling
              the option (-$$) allows fixed media (hard disks) to  be  labeled
              as well.  By default, volume labels are ignored.
              [VMS] On VMS, a volume must be allocated, not shared, for a vol-
              ume label to be set.

              [Acorn] Overrides the extension list supplied by  the  Unzip$Ext
              environment  variable.   During  extraction, filename extensions
              that match one of the items in this extension list  are  swapped
              in front of the base name of the extracted file.

              [all  but Acorn, VM/CMS, MVS, Tandem] Allows UnZipSFX to extract
              archive members into locations outside of the current extraction
              destination directory (and its subdirectories).

              For  security  reasons, UnZipSFX normally removes "parent direc-
              tory" path components ("../") from the  path  names  of  archive
              members  as  they  are  extracted.  This safety feature (new for
              version 5.50) prevents UnZipSFX from accidentally writing  files
              to  directories  outside the current destination directory tree.
              The -: option sets UnZipSFX back to its previous,  more  liberal
              behavior,  allowing  exact extraction of archives that use "../"
              path components to create multiple directory trees at  or  above
              the level of the destination directory.

              This  option  does  not  enable  writing  explicitly to the root
              directory ("/").  To achieve this, it is necessary  to  set  the
              extraction  target  folder  to  "/"  (by  using  an  option like
              "-d /").  However, when the -: option is specified, it is  still
              possible  implicitly  to  write  to the root directory if member
              paths specifying enough "../" path components.

              Use this option with extreme caution.

              [Unix] Allow control characters in file names of  extracted  ZIP
              archive  members.   On Unix, a file name may contain any (8-bit)
              character code with the two exceptions  of  "/"  (the  directory
              delimiter)  and  NUL (0x00, the C string-termination character),
              unless the specific file system  has  more  restrictive  conven-
              tions.   Generally,  this allows embedding ASCII control charac-
              ters or escape sequences in file names.  However,  this  feature
              allows  the  use of malicious file names which can cause various
              kinds of bad trouble when displayed on a user's  terminal/emula-
              tor.   (Even a file name with unprintable but otherwise harmless
              characters can cause problems for users.)

              For these reasons, by default, UnZipSFX applies  a  filter  that
              removes   potentially  dangerous  control  characters  from  the
              extracted file names.  The -^ option overrides  this  filter  in
              the  rare  case that embedded filename dangerous control charac-
              ters are to be intentionally restored.

       UnZipSFX uses the same environment variables as  UnZip  does,  although
       this  is  more likely to affect the person creating and testing a self-
       extracting archive than it is the SFX user.  For details, see the unzip
       manual page.

       UnZipSFX  supports the same encryption methods as UnZip, but encryption
       support in UnZipSFX must be explicitly  enabled  at  build  time.   For
       details, see the UnZip installation instructions (INSTALL).

       When  UnZipSFX  is built with CHEAP_SFX_AUTORUN defined, a simple "com-
       mand autorun" feature is enabled.  The command to be run is  placed  at
       the beginning of the Zip archive comment, using the following format:


       When UnZipSFX recognizes the token "$AUTORUN$>" at the beginning of the
       ZIP archive comment, the remainder of the first  line  of  the  comment
       (until the first newline character) is passed as a shell command to the
       operating system using the C RTL system() function.   Before  executing
       the  command,  UnZipSFX displays the command on the console and prompts
       the user for confirmation.  For safety, when the user has switched  off
       prompting  by  specifying the -q option, an autorun command is not exe-

       If the archive comment contains additional lines of  text,  then  those
       additional comment lines are displayed normally, unless quiet operation
       was requested using a -q option.

       On Unix, the following commands create a self-extracting archive (exam-
       ple_sfx)  from an ordinary archive (example.zip), adjust the offsets in
       the resulting SFX archive, and change the permissions on  the  new  SFX
       archive's to allow execution by everyone:

           cat /usr/local/bin/unzipsfx example.zip > example_sfx
           zip -A example_sfx
           chmod 755 example_sfx

       We   assume   that   the   desired  UnZipSFX  executable  is  found  at
       "/usr/local/bin/unzipsfx", but any path to the  desired  UnZipSFX  exe-
       cutable is ok.

       On  MS-DOS,  OS/2,  or Windows, the following commands create a similar
       SFX archive.  (Note the use of the /b (binary) option in the COPY  com-

           copy /b unzipsfx.exe+example.zip example_sfx.exe
           zip -A example_sfx.exe

       If  the  desired  UnZipSFX  executable is not in the current directory,
       then an appropriate path should be specified for it.

       On VMS the basic commands look like these:

           copy unzipsfx.exe, example.zip example_sfx.exe
           zip -A example_sfx.exe

       If the desired UnZipSFX executable is not in the current default direc-
       tory,  then  an  appropriate path should be specified for it.  (The VMS
       APPEND command could be used instead of COPY.)

       A slightly more elaborate DCL script to do this job is included in  the
       UnZip  source kit: [.vms]makesfx.com.  It uses a DCL symbol to find the
       UnZipSFX executable.  Comments in the script explain its usage.

           @ makesfx.com example.zip example_sfx.exe

       As usual on VMS, if a program like an UnZipSFX bundle is to be executed
       without  options  or  arguments, then the RUN command may be used.  For
           run example_sfx.exe

       More work is needed when options or arguments are desired.   For  exam-
           mcr sys$disk:[]example_sfx.exe -t -x fred.txt
       Or, define a foreign-command DCL symbol, and use that:
           example_sfx = "$ ''f$environment( "default")'example_sfx.exe"
           example_sfx -t -x fred.txt

       On AmigaDOS:

           MakeSFX example example.zip UnZipSFX

       (MakeSFX  is included with the UnZip source distribution and with Amiga
       binary distributions.  "zip -A" doesn't work on  Amiga  self-extracting

       To test (or list) the newly created self-extracting archive, use -t:

           example_sfx -t

       To test "example_sfx" quietly, printing only a summary message indicat-
       ing whether the archive is OK or not, use -tqq:

           example_sfx -tqq

       To extract the complete contents into the current directory, recreating
       all files and subdirectories as necessary:


       To extract all *.txt files:

           example_sfx *.txt

       On Unix, quote the "*":

           example_sfx '*.txt'

       To extract everything except the *.txt files:

           example_sfx -x *.txt
           example_sfx -x '*.txt'

       To extract only the README file to standard output (the screen):

           example_sfx -c README

       To print only the archive comment:

           example_sfx -z

       The  principal and fundamental limitation of UnZipSFX is that it is not
       generally portable from one operating system or  hardware  architecture
       to  another.   Therefore,  neither  are  the resulting SFX archives, as
       self-extracting archives.  The ZIP archive within a self-extracting ar-
       chive bundle can always be processed anywhere using a normal UnZip pro-
       gram, even where the UnZipSFX program in the bundle can't do  the  job.
       At worst, UnZip will emit a warning like "nnnn extra bytes at beginning
       or within zipfile", but using "zip -A" on an SFX  bundle  will  prevent
       even  that annoyance.  (UnZipSFX itself does not emit the "extra bytes"
       warning, even if the "zip -A" adjustment is not done.)

       Strictly speaking, until "zip -A" is used to adjust the offsets  within
       the  UnZipSFX+archive  bundle,  that bundle is not a valid ZIP archive,
       because the offsets in it are wrong.  Info-ZIP  UnZip  can  still  work
       with it (emitting that "extra bytes" warning mentioned above), but some
       other unzipping program might have more trouble  with  it.   After  the
       "zip -A"  offset adjustment has been done, any unzipping program should
       be able to work with the resulting SFX bundle.

       To do its work, the UnZipSFx program in a self-extracting archive  must
       open  and  read  the  self-extracting  archive  file itself.  (It's not
       enough that the shell can find it.  It must be able  to  find  itself.)
       UnZipSFX  has  no knowledge of the user's PATH, so, in general, a self-
       extracting archive must either be in the current directory when  it  is
       invoked  (and  "."  must  be on the user's PATH), or else some explicit
       (absolute or relative) path must be specified.  For example:

           # example_sfx -t        # Fails if "." is not on PATH.
           bash: example_sfx: command not found
           # ./example_sfx -t      # Works.
           mkdir sandbox
           cd sandbox

       If a user runs a self-extracting archive which is found in a  directory
       on  the  PATH  other than the current one ("."), then UnZipSFX may fail
       with a fatal error: "cannot find myself!".   This  is  always  true  on
       Unix, and may be true in some cases under MS-DOS, depending on the com-
       piler used. (Microsoft C may fully qualify the program name, but  other
       compilers may not.)  Under OS/2 and NT there are operating-system func-
       tions available that provide the full path name, so the archive may  be
       invoked  from  anywhere in the user's path.  On VMS, this problem never
       arises, because the program always sees an  absolute  path  to  itself,
       even when DCL$PATH is used.  (The situation is unknown for more obscure
       operating systems: AmigaDOS, Atari TOS, and so on.   Reports  are  wel-

       As  explained  above,  some  normal  UnZip  features  are  omitted from
       UnZipSFX to make it smaller.  The diagnostic (-v) and listing (-l) fea-
       tures  are  always omitted.  Optional compression methods (bzip2, LZMA,
       PPMd) and any encryption methods (Traditional, AES_WG) are  omitted  by
       default,  but  may be enabled when UnZipSFX is built.  For details, see
       the installation instructions (INSTALL).

       UnZipSFX on the Amiga requires the use of a special  program,  MakeSFX,
       to  create  working self-extracting archives; simple concatenation does
       not work.  (For technically oriented users,  the  attached  archive  is
       defined  as  a  "debug  hunk".)   There  may  be compatibility problems
       between the ROM levels of older Amigas and newer ones.

       The possible exit status values from UnZipSFX are the same as those for
       UnZipSFX.  See the unzip manual page for details.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | compress/unzip   |
       |Stability      | Volatile         |

       funzip(1L), unzip(1L), zip(1L), zipcloak(1L),
       zipgrep(1L), zipinfo(1L), zipnote(1L), zipsplit(1L)

       The Info-ZIP main Web page is:

       FTP access is available, too:

       Greg  Roelofs was responsible for the basic modifications to UnZip nec-
       essary to create UnZipSFX.  See unzip(1L) for the current list of Info-
       ZIP authors.

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source     was    downloaded    from     http://antinode.info/ftp/info-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://www.info-zip.org/UnZip.html.

Info-ZIP                      15 Apr 2015 (v6.1)                   UNZIPSFX(1)