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更新: 2022年7月27日

mailstats (1)


mailstats - print statistics collected by sendmail


mailstats [-o] [-c ] [-C configfile] [-f statisticsfile]
[-p] [-P]


mailstats(1)                     User Commands                    mailstats(1)

       mailstats - print statistics collected by sendmail

       mailstats [-o] [-c ] [-C configfile] [-f statisticsfile]
            [-p] [-P]

       The  mailstats utility prints out the statistics collected by the send-
       mail(8) program on mailer usage. These statistics are collected if  the
       file  indicated  by  the  StatusFile  configuration  option of sendmail
       (defined in /etc/mail/sendmail.cf) exists. The default statistics  file
       is /etc/mail/statistics.

       To enable mailstats, you must, as root, touch /etc/mail/statistics. See
       the StatusFile processing option in sendmail(8).

       mailstats first prints the time that the statistics  file  was  created
       and the last time it was modified. Then, the statistics for each mailer
       are displayed on a single line, each with the following whitespace-sep-
       arated fields:

       M             The mailer number.

       msgsfr        Number of messages from the mailer.

       bytes_from    Kbytes from the mailer.

       msgsto        Number of messages to the mailer.

       bytes_to      Kbytes to the mailer.

       msgsrej       Number of messages rejected by the mailer.

       msgsdis       Number of messages discarded by the mailer.

       msgsqur       Number of messages quarantined by the mailer.

       Mailer        The name of the mailer.

       The  display  of statistics described above is followed by a separation
       line containing only equal sign (=) characters.  After  the  separation
       line, a line preceded with a "T" and totaling the values for all of the
       mailers is displayed. This is followed by another line preceded with  a
       "C" that lists the number of TCP connections.

       To  reinitialize  the  statistics  file  once  a night, add an entry to
       root's crontab(1):

         mailstats -p > /dev/null

       The following options are supported:

       -c                   Try to use submit.cf instead of the default  send-
                            mail configuration file.

       -C configfile        Specify a sendmail configuration file.

       -f statisticsfile    Specify a sendmail statistics file.

       -o                   Do  not display the name of the mailer in the out-

       -p                   Output information in  program-readable  mode  and
                            clear statistics.

       -P                   Output  information in program-readable mode with-
                            out clearing statistics.

       /dev/null                Zero-lined file

       /etc/mail/statistics     Default sendmail statistics file

       /etc/mail/sendmail.cf    Default sendmail configuration file

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |      ATTRIBUTE TYPE         |       ATTRIBUTE VALUE        |
       |Availability                 |service/network/smtp/sendmail |
       |Interface Stability          |The output is uncommitted.    |

       crontab(1), attributes(7), cron(8), sendmail(8)

Solaris 11.4                      8 Mar 2016                      mailstats(1)