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更新: 2022年7月27日

perl5303delta (1)


perl5303delta - what is new for perl v5.30.3


Please see following description for synopsis


Perl Programmers Reference Guide                              PERL5303DELTA(1)

       perl5303delta - what is new for perl v5.30.3

       This document describes differences between the 5.30.2 release and the
       5.30.3 release.

       If you are upgrading from an earlier release such as 5.30.1, first read
       perl5302delta, which describes differences between 5.30.1 and 5.30.2.

   [CVE-2020-10543] Buffer overflow caused by a crafted regular expression
       A signed "size_t" integer overflow in the storage space calculations
       for nested regular expression quantifiers could cause a heap buffer
       overflow in Perl's regular expression compiler that overwrites memory
       allocated after the regular expression storage space with attacker
       supplied data.

       The target system needs a sufficient amount of memory to allocate
       partial expansions of the nested quantifiers prior to the overflow
       occurring.  This requirement is unlikely to be met on 64-bit systems.

       Discovered by: ManhND of The Tarantula Team, VinCSS (a member of

   [CVE-2020-10878] Integer overflow via malformed bytecode produced by a
       crafted regular expression
       Integer overflows in the calculation of offsets between instructions
       for the regular expression engine could cause corruption of the
       intermediate language state of a compiled regular expression.  An
       attacker could abuse this behaviour to insert instructions into the
       compiled form of a Perl regular expression.

       Discovered by: Hugo van der Sanden and Slaven Rezic.

   [CVE-2020-12723] Buffer overflow caused by a crafted regular expression
       Recursive calls to "S_study_chunk()" by Perl's regular expression
       compiler to optimize the intermediate language representation of a
       regular expression could cause corruption of the intermediate language
       state of a compiled regular expression.

       Discovered by: Sergey Aleynikov.

   Additional Note
       An application written in Perl would only be vulnerable to any of the
       above flaws if it evaluates regular expressions supplied by the
       attacker.  Evaluating regular expressions in this fashion is known to
       be dangerous since the regular expression engine does not protect
       against denial of service attacks in this usage scenario.

Incompatible Changes
       There are no changes intentionally incompatible with Perl 5.30.2.  If
       any exist, they are bugs, and we request that you submit a report.  See
       "Reporting Bugs" below.

Modules and Pragmata
   Updated Modules and Pragmata
       o   Module::CoreList has been upgraded from version 5.20200314 to

       Tests were added and changed to reflect the other additions and changes
       in this release.

       Perl 5.30.3 represents approximately 3 months of development since Perl
       5.30.2 and contains approximately 1,100 lines of changes across 42
       files from 7 authors.

       Excluding auto-generated files, documentation and release tools, there
       were approximately 350 lines of changes to 8 .pm, .t, .c and .h files.

       Perl continues to flourish into its fourth decade thanks to a vibrant
       community of users and developers.  The following people are known to
       have contributed the improvements that became Perl 5.30.3:

       Chris 'BinGOs' Williams, Hugo van der Sanden, John Lightsey, Karl
       Williamson, Nicolas R., Sawyer X, Steve Hay.

       The list above is almost certainly incomplete as it is automatically
       generated from version control history.  In particular, it does not
       include the names of the (very much appreciated) contributors who
       reported issues to the Perl bug tracker.

       Many of the changes included in this version originated in the CPAN
       modules included in Perl's core.  We're grateful to the entire CPAN
       community for helping Perl to flourish.

       For a more complete list of all of Perl's historical contributors,
       please see the AUTHORS file in the Perl source distribution.

Reporting Bugs
       If you find what you think is a bug, you might check the perl bug
       database at <https://github.com/Perl/perl5/issues>.  There may also be
       information at <https://www.perl.org/>, the Perl Home Page.

       If you believe you have an unreported bug, please open an issue at
       <https://github.com/Perl/perl5/issues>.  Be sure to trim your bug down
       to a tiny but sufficient test case.

       If the bug you are reporting has security implications which make it
       inappropriate to send to a public issue tracker, then see "SECURITY
       VULNERABILITY CONTACT INFORMATION" in perlsec for details of how to
       report the issue.

Give Thanks
       If you wish to thank the Perl 5 Porters for the work we had done in
       Perl 5, you can do so by running the "perlthanks" program:


       This will send an email to the Perl 5 Porters list with your show of

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | runtime/perl-532      |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile |

       The Changes file for an explanation of how to view exhaustive details
       on what changed.

       The INSTALL file for how to build Perl.

       The README file for general stuff.

       The Artistic and Copying files for copyright information.

       Source code for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This software was built from source available at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.  The original community
       source was downloaded from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://www.perl.org/.

perl v5.32.0                      2020-06-14                  PERL5303DELTA(1)