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更新: 2022年7月27日

python3.7 (1)


python3.7 - guage


python [ -B ] [ -b ] [ -d ] [ -E ] [ -h ] [ -i ] [ -I ]
[ -m module-name ] [ -q ] [ -O ] [ -OO ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -u ]
[ -v ] [ -V ] [ -W argument ] [ -x ] [ [ -X option ] -?  ]
[ --check-hash-based-pycs default | always | never ]
[ -c command | script | - ] [ arguments ]


PYTHON(1)                   General Commands Manual                  PYTHON(1)

       python  - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming lan-

       python [ -B ] [ -b ] [ -d ] [ -E ] [ -h ] [ -i ] [ -I ]
              [ -m module-name ] [ -q ] [ -O ] [ -OO ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -u ]
              [ -v ] [ -V ] [ -W argument ] [ -x ] [ [ -X option ] -?  ]
              [ --check-hash-based-pycs default | always | never ]
              [ -c command | script | - ] [ arguments ]

       Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming lan-
       guage  that  combines  remarkable power with very clear syntax.  For an
       introduction to programming in Python, see the  Python  Tutorial.   The
       Python  Library  Reference  documents built-in and standard types, con-
       stants, functions and modules.  Finally, the  Python  Reference  Manual
       describes  the  syntax  and  semantics of the core language in (perhaps
       too) much detail.  (These documents may be  located  via  the  INTERNET
       RESOURCES below; they may be installed on your system as well.)

       Python's basic power can be extended with your own modules written in C
       or C++.  On most  systems  such  modules  may  be  dynamically  loaded.
       Python is also adaptable as an extension language for existing applica-
       tions.  See the internal documentation for hints.

       Documentation for installed Python modules and packages can  be  viewed
       by running the pydoc program.

       -B     Don't  write .pyc files on import. See also PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTE-

       -b     Issue   warnings    about    str(bytes_instance),    str(bytear-
              ray_instance)  and  comparing  bytes/bytearray  with  str. (-bb:
              issue errors)

       -c command
              Specify the command to execute (see next section).  This  termi-
              nates the option list (following options are passed as arguments
              to the command).

       --check-hash-based-pycs mode
              Configure how Python evaluates the up-to-dateness of  hash-based
              .pyc files.

       -d     Turn  on  parser debugging output (for expert only, depending on
              compilation options).

       -E     Ignore environment variables like PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME that
              modify the behavior of the interpreter.

       -h ,  -? ,  --help
              Prints the usage for the interpreter executable and exits.

       -i     When  a  script  is passed as first argument or the -c option is
              used, enter interactive mode after executing the script  or  the
              command.  It does not read the $PYTHONSTARTUP file.  This can be
              useful to inspect global variables  or  a  stack  trace  when  a
              script raises an exception.

       -I     Run  Python  in  isolated  mode. This also implies -E and -s. In
              isolated mode sys.path contains neither the  script's  directory
              nor  the user's site-packages directory. All PYTHON* environment
              variables are ignored, too.  Further restrictions may be imposed
              to prevent the user from injecting malicious code.

       -m module-name
              Searches  sys.path for the named module and runs the correspond-
              ing .py file as a script.

       -O     Remove assert statements and any code conditional on  the  value
              of __debug__; augment the filename for compiled (bytecode) files
              by adding .opt-1 before the .pyc extension.

       -OO    Do -O and also discard docstrings; change the filename for  com-
              piled  (bytecode)  files by adding .opt-2 before the .pyc exten-

       -q     Do not print the version and copyright messages. These  messages
              are also suppressed in non-interactive mode.

       -s     Don't add user site directory to sys.path.

       -S     Disable  the  import  of  the module site and the site-dependent
              manipulations of sys.path that it entails.  Also  disable  these
              manipulations if site is explicitly imported later.

       -u     Force  the  stdout  and  stderr  streams to be unbuffered.  This
              option has no effect on the stdin stream.

       -v     Print a message each time a module is initialized,  showing  the
              place  (filename  or  built-in  module) from which it is loaded.
              When given twice, print a message for each file that is  checked
              for  when  searching for a module.  Also provides information on
              module cleanup at exit.

       -V ,  --version
              Prints the Python version number of the  executable  and  exits.
              When given twice, print more information about the build.

       -W argument
              Warning  control.   Python  sometimes  prints warning message to
              sys.stderr.  A typical warning message has the  following  form:
              file:line:  category:  message.   By  default,  each  warning is
              printed once for each source line where it occurs.  This  option
              controls  how  often  warnings are printed.  Multiple -W options
              may be given; when a warning matches more than one  option,  the
              action  for  the  last matching option is performed.  Invalid -W
              options are ignored (a warning message is printed about  invalid
              options when the first warning is issued).  Warnings can also be
              controlled from within a Python program using the warnings  mod-

              The  simplest  form  of  argument is one of the following action
              strings (or a unique abbreviation): ignore to ignore  all  warn-
              ings; default to explicitly request the default behavior (print-
              ing each warning once per source line); all to print  a  warning
              each  time it occurs (this may generate many messages if a warn-
              ing is triggered repeatedly for the same source  line,  such  as
              inside a loop); module to print each warning only the first time
              it occurs in each module; once to print each  warning  only  the
              first time it occurs in the program; or error to raise an excep-
              tion instead of printing a warning message.

              The  full  form  of  argument  is   action:message:category:mod-
              ule:line.   Here,  action is as explained above but only applies
              to messages that match the remaining fields.  Empty fields match
              all  values;  trailing empty fields may be omitted.  The message
              field matches the start of the  warning  message  printed;  this
              match is case-insensitive.  The category field matches the warn-
              ing category.  This must be a class name; the match test whether
              the  actual warning category of the message is a subclass of the
              specified warning category.  The full class name must be  given.
              The module field matches the (fully-qualified) module name; this
              match is case-sensitive.  The line field matches the  line  num-
              ber,  where zero matches all line numbers and is thus equivalent
              to an omitted line number.

       -X option
              Set implementation specific option. The  following  options  are

                  -X faulthandler: enable faulthandler

                  -X showrefcount: output the total reference count and number
              of used
                      memory blocks when the program finishes  or  after  each
              statement in the
                      interactive interpreter. This only works on debug builds

                  -X  tracemalloc:  start  tracing  Python  memory allocations
              using the
                      tracemalloc module. By default,  only  the  most  recent
              frame is stored in a
                      traceback of a trace. Use -X tracemalloc=NFRAME to start
              tracing with a
                      traceback limit of NFRAME frames

                  -X showalloccount:  output  the  total  count  of  allocated
              objects for each
                      type  when  the  program  finishes. This only works when
              Python was built with
                      COUNT_ALLOCS defined

                  -X importtime: show how long each  import  takes.  It  shows
              module name,
                      cumulative time (including nested imports) and self time
                      nested imports). Note that its output may be  broken  in
                      application.  Typical  usage is python3 -X importtime -c
              'import asyncio'

                  -X dev: enable  CPython's  "development  mode",  introducing
              additional runtime
                      checks which are too expensive to be enabled by default.
              It will not be
                      more verbose than the default if the  code  is  correct:
              new warnings are
                      only  emitted  when  an issue is detected. Effect of the
              developer mode:
                         * Add default warning filter, as -W default
                         * Install debug hooks on memory allocators:  see  the
              PyMem_SetupDebugHooks() C function
                         *  Enable  the faulthandler module to dump the Python
              traceback on a crash
                         * Enable asyncio debug mode
                         * Set the dev_mode attribute of sys.flags to True

                  -X utf8: enable UTF-8 mode for operating system  interfaces,
              overriding the default
                      locale-aware  mode.  -X utf8=0 explicitly disables UTF-8
              mode (even when it would
                      otherwise activate automatically).  See  PYTHONUTF8  for
              more details

       -x     Skip  the  first line of the source.  This is intended for a DOS
              specific hack only.  Warning: the line numbers in error messages
              will be off by one!

       The interpreter interface resembles that of the UNIX shell: when called
       with standard input connected to a tty device, it prompts for  commands
       and  executes  them  until an EOF is read; when called with a file name
       argument or with a file as standard input,  it  reads  and  executes  a
       script  from  that  file;  when called with -c command, it executes the
       Python statement(s) given as command.  Here command may contain  multi-
       ple  statements  separated by newlines.  Leading whitespace is signifi-
       cant in Python statements!  In non-interactive mode, the  entire  input
       is parsed before it is executed.

       If  available,  the script name and additional arguments thereafter are
       passed to the script in the Python variable sys.argv, which is  a  list
       of  strings (you must first import sys to be able to access it).  If no
       script name is given, sys.argv[0] is an empty string; if  -c  is  used,
       sys.argv[0] contains the string '-c'.  Note that options interpreted by
       the Python interpreter itself are not placed in sys.argv.

       In interactive mode, the primary prompt is  `>>>';  the  second  prompt
       (which  appears  when a command is not complete) is `...'.  The prompts
       can be changed by assignment to sys.ps1 or  sys.ps2.   The  interpreter
       quits  when  it  reads an EOF at a prompt.  When an unhandled exception
       occurs, a stack trace is printed and control  returns  to  the  primary
       prompt;  in  non-interactive mode, the interpreter exits after printing
       the stack trace.  The interrupt  signal  raises  the  KeyboardInterrupt
       exception;  other  UNIX  signals are not caught (except that SIGPIPE is
       sometimes ignored, in favor of the IOError exception).  Error  messages
       are written to stderr.

       These are subject to difference depending on local installation conven-
       tions; ${prefix}  and  ${exec_prefix}  are  installation-dependent  and
       should  be  interpreted as for GNU software; they may be the same.  The
       default for both is /usr/local.

              Recommended location of the interpreter.

              Recommended locations of the directories containing the standard

              Recommended  locations of the directories containing the include
              files needed for developing Python extensions and embedding  the

              Change  the  location  of  the  standard  Python  libraries.  By
              default, the libraries are searched in ${prefix}/lib/python<ver-
              sion>  and  ${exec_prefix}/lib/python<version>,  where ${prefix}
              and ${exec_prefix} are installation-dependent directories,  both
              defaulting  to  /usr/local.  When $PYTHONHOME is set to a single
              directory, its value replaces both ${prefix} and ${exec_prefix}.
              To specify different values for these, set $PYTHONHOME to ${pre-

              Augments the default search path for module files.   The  format
              is  the  same  as the shell's $PATH: one or more directory path-
              names  separated  by  colons.   Non-existent   directories   are
              silently  ignored.   The  default  search  path  is installation
              dependent, but generally begins  with  ${prefix}/lib/python<ver-
              sion> (see PYTHONHOME above).  The default search path is always
              appended to $PYTHONPATH.  If a script  argument  is  given,  the
              directory containing the script is inserted in the path in front
              of $PYTHONPATH.  The search path can be manipulated from  within
              a Python program as the variable sys.path.

              If  this  is the name of a readable file, the Python commands in
              that file are executed before the first prompt is  displayed  in
              interactive  mode.   The file is executed in the same name space
              where interactive commands are executed so that objects  defined
              or  imported  in  it  can  be  used without qualification in the
              interactive session.  You can also change  the  prompts  sys.ps1
              and sys.ps2 in this file.

              If  this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to speci-
              fying the -O option. If set to an integer, it is  equivalent  to
              specifying -O multiple times.

              If  this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to speci-
              fying the -d option. If set to an integer, it is  equivalent  to
              specifying -d multiple times.

              If  this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to speci-
              fying the -B option (don't try to write .pyc files).

              If this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to  speci-
              fying the -i option.

              If  this is set before running the interpreter, it overrides the
              encoding used for stdin/stdout/stderr, in the  syntax  encoding-
              name:errorhandler  The errorhandler part is optional and has the
              same meaning as in str.encode. For stderr, the errorhandler
               part is ignored; the handler will always be 'backslashreplace'.

              If this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to  speci-
              fying  the  -s  option  (Don't  add  the  user site directory to

              If this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to  speci-
              fying the -u option.

              If  this is set to a non-empty string it is equivalent to speci-
              fying the -v option. If set to an integer, it is  equivalent  to
              specifying -v multiple times.

              If  this  is set to a comma-separated string it is equivalent to
              specifying the -W option for each separate value.

              If this variable is set to "random", a random value is  used  to
              seed the hashes of str, bytes and datetime objects.

              If  PYTHONHASHSEED  is  set to an integer value, it is used as a
              fixed seed for generating the hash() of the types covered by the
              hash randomization.  Its purpose is to allow repeatable hashing,
              such as for selftests for the interpreter itself, or to allow  a
              cluster of python processes to share hash values.

              The   integer   must   be   a   decimal   number  in  the  range
              [0,4294967295].  Specifying the value 0 will disable  hash  ran-

              Set the Python memory allocators and/or install debug hooks. The
              available memory allocators are malloc and pymalloc.  The avail-
              able debug hooks are debug, malloc_debug, and pymalloc_debug.

              When  Python  is  compiled  in debug mode, the default is pymal-
              loc_debug and the debug hooks are automatically used. Otherwise,
              the default is pymalloc.

              If  set  to  a non-empty string, Python will print statistics of
              the pymalloc memory allocator every time a new  pymalloc  object
              arena is created, and on shutdown.

              This  variable is ignored if the $PYTHONMALLOC environment vari-
              able is used to force the malloc(3) allocator of the C  library,
              or if Python is configured without pymalloc support.

              If  this  environment  variable  is  set  to a non-empty string,
              enable the debug mode of the asyncio module.

              If this environment variable is set to a non-empty string, start
              tracing Python memory allocations using the tracemalloc module.

              The value of the variable is the maximum number of frames stored
              in a traceback of  a  trace.  For  example,  PYTHONTRACEMALLOC=1
              stores only the most recent frame.

              If  this  environment  variable  is  set  to a non-empty string,
              faulthandler.enable() is called at startup:  install  a  handler
              for  SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGABRT, SIGBUS and SIGILL signals to dump
              the Python traceback.

              This is equivalent to the -X faulthandler option.

              If this environment variable is set, sys.argv[0] will be set  to
              its  value  instead of the value got through the C runtime. Only
              works on Mac OS X.

              Defines the user base directory, which is used  to  compute  the
              path of the user site-packages directory and Distutils installa-
              tion paths for python setup.py install --user.

              If this environment variable  is  set  to  a  non-empty  string,
              Python  will  show  how  long each import takes. This is exactly
              equivalent to setting -X importtime on the command line.

              If this environment variable  is  set  to  0,  it  disables  the
              default debugger. It can be set to the callable of your debugger
              of choice.

   Debug-mode variables
       Setting these variables only has an effect in a debug build of  Python,
       that is, if Python was configured with the --with-pydebug build option.

              If this environment variable is set, Python will print threading
              debug info.

              If this environment variable is set, Python  will  dump  objects
              and  reference counts still alive after shutting down the inter-

       The Python Software Foundation: https://www.python.org/psf/

       Main website:  https://www.python.org/
       Documentation:  https://docs.python.org/
       Developer resources:  https://devguide.python.org/
       Downloads:  https://www.python.org/downloads/
       Module repository:  https://pypi.org/
       Newsgroups:  comp.lang.python, comp.lang.python.announce

       Python is distributed under an  Open  Source  license.   See  the  file
       "LICENSE"  in the Python source distribution for information on terms &
       conditions for accessing and otherwise using  Python  and  for  a  DIS-

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | runtime/python-37 |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted       |

       Source  code  for open source software components in Oracle Solaris can
       be found at https://www.oracle.com/downloads/opensource/solaris-source-

       This     software     was    built    from    source    available    at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.   The  original   community
       source                was                downloaded                from

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at https://python.org/.
