Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Service Manual

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Updated: September 2016

Clear a Fault Manually

Faults can be detected by Oracle ILOM or the native OS of the SP. The native OS communicates the faults it has discovered to Oracle ILOM.

If Oracle ILOM detects a fault and subsequent component replacement, Oracle ILOM automatically clears the fault. However, if the native OS detects a fault, you might need to manually clear the fault from Oracle ILOM after resolution.

If the fault persists after a replacement operation with a known good component, use this procedure to clear the fault.

  1. Access the Oracle ILOM CLI.

    See Accessing the SP.

  2. Reset the component to clear the fault manually.
    -> set target clear_fault_action=true

    where target is the Oracle ILOM target of the faulted component. See Resettable Targets for a list of targets.

    For example, to reset and clear a fault with power supply 0, type:

    -> set /SYS/PS0 clear_fault_action=true
    Are you sure you want to clear /SYS/PS0 (y/n)? y
    Set 'clear_fault_action' to 'true'

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