Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Service Manual

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Updated: September 2016

Verify a Fan Module

After you install a fan module, you can verify its functionality.

  1. From the Oracle ILOM CLI, reset the fan module.
    -> set /SYS/FMx clear_fault_action=true

    where x is 0 to 3. For example, to reset fan module FM1, type:

    -> set /SYS/FM1 clear_fault_action=true
    Are you sure you want to clear /SYS/FM1 (y/n)? y
    Set 'clear_fault_action' to 'true'
  2. Verify that the fan module is no longer considered faulty.

    See Locate a Faulty Fan Module, then return to this task.

  3. Check the fan speed.
    -> show /SYS/FMx/FANy/TACH value

    where x is 0 to 3 and y is 0 or 1. For example, to check the fan speed of FAN1 inside of fan module FM1, type:

    -> show /SYS/FM1/FAN1/TACH value
     		value = 21040 rpm

    Fan speeds should be between 6000 and 24000 RPM.

  4. Consider your next task.

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