Oracle® InfiniBand Switch IS2-46 Service Manual

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Updated: September 2016

Verify the Battery

After you install the battery, you can verify its functionality.

  1. Verify that the battery is no longer considered faulty.

    See Determine if the Battery Is Faulty, then return to this task.

  2. Check the battery voltage.
    -> show /SYS/MB/V_VBAT value
     		value = 3.027 Volts

    The battery voltage must be greater than 2.548 volts.

  3. If necessary, set the date and time.
    -> set /SP/clock datetime=MMDDhhmmYYYY

    where MMDDhhmmYYYY is the month, date, hour, and minute as two digits, and the year as four digits. For example, to set the date and time to January 20th, 2016, at 6:24 in the morning, type:

    -> set /SP/clock datetime=012006242016
    Set 'datetime' to '012006242016'
    -> show /SP/clock datetime
     			datetime = Wed Jan 20 06:24:01 2016
  4. Consider your next task.

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