The atg.service.collections.filter.StartEndDateFilter class is used to evaluate the objects in a collection based on start and end date properties. ATG Relationship Management includes one component of this class: /atg/registry/CollectionFilters/StartEndDateFilter.

StartEndDateFilter has two properties, startDatePropertyName and endDatePropertyName that map to Date properties on the objects in the collection. By default, these properties are set to startDate and endDate respectively, anticipating that the objects in the collection have properties with these names. Filtering is based on whether objects are “started” or have “ended,” relative to the date the collection filter is executed.

For example, an object remains in the result set collection when the following are both true:

You can access the StartEndDateFilter component through the /atg/collections/filter/droplet/StartEndDateFilterDroplet servlet bean. When you use the servlet bean, the resultant content is cached by default. For more information on caching, see Caching Filtered Content.