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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Create DB Instances (BUI)

Before you can perform this task, you must complete these tasks:

  1. In the navigation panel, select Database → Virtual Machines (formerly Virtual Machine Instances).

    The Database Virtual Machine Group Summary page is displayed, showing all the VMs in the group.

    Tip  -  If the VMs are not listed, click the triangle that is next to the VM group to expand the display. You might need to select another navigation item, then come back to this page.

    In this example, the VMs do not yet have any DB instances, which is evident because no instance names are displayed.

    image:A screen shot showing the DB VM group summary page.
  2. Under one of the VMs, click the + symbol.
    image:A screen shot showing the Create Oracle Database Instance                             window.
  3. Complete the required information in the order indicated.

    For details about the required information, use the optional worksheet (DB VM Planning Worksheets (Optional)), or see DB Instance Parameters.

  4. Click Create.

    A progress pop-up window is displayed. This process can take from 15 to 90 minutes to complete, depending on the configuration selected.

    Tip  -  While the DB instance is being created, you can dismiss the pop-up window and then perform other actions in the main BUI (such as create additional DB instances). To return to the progress pop-up window, in the Virtual Machines page, click the Creating link.
  5. When the process is finished, click OK (Apply in earlier versions).
  6. Verify that the instance is online.

    In the Database → Virtual Machines page, identify the VM for which the instance was created. Verify that the Instance Status shows a green checkmark.

    image:A screen shot showing that the instance is online.
  7. Repeat these steps for each DB instance that you want to create.

    You can create multiple DB instances, until the point where the utility determines that you have reached the limit. At that point, a message stating that there is not enough memory available to create additional DB instances is displayed.