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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

(If Needed) Run or Rerun System Setup Steps (CLI)

Use this procedure to run any system setup steps that have not been completed, or require rerunning due to a possible problem. To determine the state of the system setup steps, see List the System Setup Steps (CLI).

Note -  The setup steps are normally run when the system is initially set up at installation time.
  1. Log into the MCMU CLI as a primary admin, such as mcinstall.

    See Log in to the MCMU CLI.

  2. Perform one of these commands:
    • Run all the setup steps, type:
      % mcmu setupmc -s all
    • Run a specific setup step, type:
      % mcmu setupmc -s step-number

      For example, to run step 1 in the system setup, type:

      % mcmu setupmc -s 1
    • Run a range of setup steps, type:
      % mcmu setupmc -s starting-step-number-ending-step-number

      For example, to run steps 1 through 5 in the system setup, type:

      % mcmu setupmc -s 1-5
    • Force a step to run, type:

      This command forces a rerun of a step that previously completed successfully. Not all steps are re-runnable.

      % mcmu setupmc -s step-number -f

      For example, to force a rerun on step 1 in the system setup, type:

      % mcmu setupmc -s 1 -f
    • Undo the last setup step (if it successfully completed), type:

      You might need to perform this task if the setup process ran into an error. Check the log files to see what step encountered an error. Then undo all the steps back to the faulted step, then redo

      % mcmu setupmc -u step-number

      For example, to undo step 5, if step 5 was successfully completed, type:

      % mcmu setupmc -u 5