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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

MCMU User Approval Process Overview

All MCMU user accounts require approval by the MCMU supervisor and primary admin (mcinstall). The process works as follows:

  1. The prospective user (or an MCMU user on their behalf) accesses the MCMU registration page and provides these mandatory details:

    • MCMU user name

    • Email address

    • Full name

    • Phone number

    • MCMU role

  2. MCMU sends the MCMU supervisor and primary admin an email requesting approval or denial.

    If the user was registered through the MCMU BUI, the email includes a URL to the MCMU approval/denial feature and includes a unique key identifier.

    If the user was created through the MCMU CLI, the email includes an mcmu command and the unique key identifier.

  3. When both the supervisor and primary admin approve the account, the user account is enabled, and MCMU sends the new user and email confirming the account activation.

Subsequent topics in this section describe how to perform these tasks.