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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Configure Global Zone BE Backups (mcbackup)

This feature is available for MiniCluster version 1.2.4 and later.

You can configure the SMF service called mcbackup to create a snapshot of the global zone boot environment in the /sharedstore/be/hostname directory. The service is disabled by default. This procedure describes how to enable and disable the mcbackup service.

Once the mcbackup service is enabled, there is a 15 minute delay, after which a snapshot of the global zone boot environment is created and backed up every hour.

  1. Log into the kernel zone on node 1 as a primary admin such as mcinstall and assume the root role.

    See Log in to the Global or Kernel Zone.

  2. Ensure that the permissions on the /sharedstore/be directory are limited to only authorized users.

    For example, list the directory permissions and then set them so that only a user with the root role can access the directory.

  3. Configure the mcbackup service.

    Run one of these commands:

    • Enable the mcbackup service.
      # svcadm enable mcbackup
    • Disable the mcbackup service.
      # svcadm disable mcbackup
  4. Log into the kernel zone on node 2 as a primary admin such as mcinstall and assume the root role.

    See Log in to the Global or Kernel Zone.

  5. Configure the mcbackup service.

    Run one of these commands:

    • Enable the mcbackup service.
      # svcadm enable mcbackup
    • Disable the mcbackup service.
      # svcadm disable mcbackup