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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Delete a DB VM Group Profile (CLI)

  1. Log into the MCMU CLI as a primary admin, such as mcinstall.

    See Log in to the MCMU CLI.

  2. Delete a DB VM group profile.
    % mcmu tenant -P -d VMgroupID

    where VMgroupID is the ID of the DB VM group profile that you want to delete.

    For example, to delete a DB VM group profile with an ID of 1:

    % mcmu tenant -P -d 1
    Setting ssh timeout before carrying out further operations. Please wait..
    [INFO    ] Log file path : /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/tenant_cli_082316_034336.log
        Status : Needs Mapping
        VMgroupName : dbgp1
        Description : DB VM Group 1 - Normal - CIS - SHARED
        VMgroupID : 1
    Are you sure you want to delete this DB VM Group Profile?
    Enter Y/N (Y): y
    Deleting DB VM Group Profile...
    INFO Start freeing ipaddress and core table
    INFO:MCMU.controllers.zones.dbzonemanager:Start freeing ipaddress and core table
    INFO Removing GI data.
    INFO:MCMU.controllers.zones.dbzonemanager:Removing GI data.
    INFO Free Disk & Partitions.
    INFO:MCMU.controllers.zones.dbzonemanager:Free Disk & Partitions.
    INFO Deleting zone data.
    INFO:MCMU.controllers.zones.dbzonemanager:Deleting zone data.
    INFO Deleting zonegroup data.
    INFO:MCMU.controllers.zones.dbzonemanager:Deleting zonegroup data.
    INFO Complete zonegroup profile deletion.
    INFO:MCMU.controllers.zones.dbzonemanager:Complete zonegroup profile deletion.
    updated message, old:  Initializing  with  Profile deletion succeeded.
    Successfully deleted DB VM profile
  3. Verify the deletion.

    For example:

    % mcmu tenant -P -l
    Setting ssh timeout before carrying out further operations. Please wait..
    [INFO    ] Log file path : /var/opt/oracle.minicluster/setup/logs/tenant_cli_082316_034511.log
    Listing DB VM Group Profile..
    No VM Group Profiles available yet