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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Accessing the System

These topics describe how to access different aspects of the system based on the kind of tasks you need to perform.

Note -  These topics assume that the system is already installed and initialized. For details about accessing the system for installation, refer to the Oracle MiniCluster S7-2 Installation Guide.
Access the MCMU BUI or CLI to create, edit, and delete DB and application VMs. Also use the MCMU to perform administrative tasks such as managing security benchmarks, updating firmware and software, and to perform any other MCMU functions.
Access individual VMs to administer software within the VM.
Access the underlying VM support structures such as the global zone and kernel zones. Accessing these components is only performed in unique situations, such as to alter certain default system configurations.
Access Oracle ILOM.
Review information about the MiniCluster REST API.