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Oracle® MiniCluster S7-2 Administration Guide

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Updated: October 2021

Delete a DB VM (CLI)

Use this procedure to delete DB VMs using the CLI.


Caution  -  Deleting a DB VM cannot be undone. Proceed with caution.

Note -  The ability to delete DB VMs was added to MiniCluster v.1.2.4.
  1. Ensure that the DB VM is backed up or the data is migrated to another VM.
  2. Log into the MCMU CLI as a primary admin, such as mcinstall.

    See Log in to the MCMU CLI.

  3. Delete all DB instances on the DB VM that you plan to delete.

    See Delete a DB Instance (CLI).

  4. Edit DB VM group profile to delete a DB VM.
    % mcmu tenant -P -u
    Virtual Machines Information
    Node 1 : mc13-n1
    Virtual Machine 1
    Public Hostname mc13dbzg1-zone-1-mc13-n1
    Public IP: 10.xxx.xx.xxx
    Private Hostname mc13dbzg1-zone-1-mc13-n1-priv
    Private IP: 192.xxx.xx.xx
    Virtual Hostname mc13dbzg1-zone-1-mc13-n1-vip
    Virtual IP: 10.xxx.xx.xxx
    Do you want to delete this VM?
    Enter Y/N (N): Y
  5. Apply the DB VM group profile change.
    % mcmu tenant -P -u
             Listing DB VM Group Profile..
             <output omitted>
             Do you want to "[E]dit & Save" or "[A]pply previously saved 
             Enter E/A (E): A