The data loaders use a lock manager to ensure that only a single loader at a time is processing a log file. This section describes how to create three properties files that configure the client lock manager for the data warehouse loader server, the agent server and the production server. For additional information on the ClientLockManager property, refer to the “SQL Repository Caching” section in the ATG Repository Guide.

To configure the lock managers:

  1. Create an <ATG9dir>/home/servers/server_name/localconfig/atg/dynamo/
    file and edit it to contain the following:

    lockServerAddress=lock server hostname
    lockServerPort=lock server port

  2. Create an <ATG9dir>/home/servers/server_name/localconfig/atg/dynamo/
    file and edit it to contain the following:

    lockServerAddress=lock server hostname
    lockServerPort=lock server port

  3. Create an <ATG9dir>/home/servers/server_name/localconfig/atg/dynamo/
    file and edit it to contain the following:

    lockServerAddress=lock server hostname
    lockServerPort=lock server port

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