For a complete list of available direct access rights, see Appendix A, ATG Service Access Rights.

Note: Direct access rights cannot be assigned directly to users. You must first create a role, and assign the access right to that entity.

To change the rights that any role has:

  1. Open the BCC and navigate to Personalization > Internal Users. In the Show dropdown, choose Organizations and Roles.

  2. Select the role you wish to modify.

  3. Click the Access Rights tab in the right-hand pane. To remove access rights, click Delete next to any access right. To replace one access right with another, select Add and add the new access right. Remove the old access right by clicking its Delete icon.

To add access rights to a role:

  1. Click Add Existing. (If you choose Add New, you will be taken through the new right creation process; click Create when you are done and begin again at Step 1 of this procedure to add the newly created right to the user.)

  2. In the window that appears, add appropriate search criteria as desired, and click Find.

  3. Select from the resulting list of access rights and click OK.

  4. The access rights now appear in the Direct Access Rights list for the role. Click Save to save your changes.

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