The TabDefinition object has multiple functions, which are related to the overall purpose of dividing the application into large functional areas:

The primary purpose of the TabDefinition object is to define the top-level navigation between major functionality areas in the application. In addition, the TabDefinition object defines the initial content of layout cells and the panel stacks which are assigned to the tab view.

The attributes of the TabDefinition object, which are in addition to the attributes inherited from the FrameworkObject base class, are described below:




The access right, which defines a security right required to view the tab.


The application-interpreted action URL or JavaScript function to execute when the user clicks on the tab.


The cell assignments, indicating the initial panel stack in each cell within the page layout. Contains the reverse mapping of the panelStackAssignments map.


The listing of the identifiers of the panel stacks currently being displayed on the tab. The panelStackAssignments attribute indicates which cell the panel stack is populating within the page layout.


The identifier of the default next steps menu to display with the tab. Used in Service Center only.




The panel stack assignments, indicating the cell within the page layout where each panel stack is displayed. Contains the reverse mapping of the cellAssignments map.


The list of all panel stacks for the tab in rendering order. This supports the case where rendering dependencies exist between panel stacks that require the panel stacks to be rendered in a specific order.


Logical identifier that other objects use to refer to this object, which is exposed to other objects and to the code and which is the primary external way to refer to the object.


Resource bundle key for the label that goes in the tab.


The visibleYn flag determines whether an enabled tab is rendered or hidden.

The extension methods of the TabDefinitionHome interface are described below:






Arguments: String appId, String tabId

Returns the TabDefinition with the specified identifier based on the segment of the current user. If the current user does not have a segment or no object is found for the current segment, a default object is returned based on tab identifier only. The appId indicates the framework application in which to look for the object.

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