ATG Service recognizes two different types of users: internal users and external users. These users are stored in separate profile repositories and managed using the BCC on the management or agent-facing servers.

Internal users are people within your organization who use ATG Service to create and manage content, as well as provide assistance to customers. Internal users are defined with an Internal User profile. Internal users profiles are stored in the /atg/userprofiling/internalProfileRepository, which is defined by the <ATG9dir>/DPS/InternalUsers/config/config.jar/internalUserProfile.xml file. Internal user profiles and segments are managed on the agent-facing server. You must create internal user profiles, as well as internal user accounts with the appropriate security levels, before your agents can access ATG Service.

External users are people who visit your customer-facing Web site, and are typically customers. External users are defined with an External user profile that is stored in /atg/userprofiling/
, which is defined by the <ATG9dir>/DPS/config/profile.jar/
file in the sub-module ExternalUsers. External user profiles and external user segments must be managed on the management server. External user profiles can be created when a customer logs onto your Website and creates a customer profile, or when an Agent creates a customer profile.

For additional information on internal and external user management, refer to the ATG Multiple Application Integration Guide. For detailed information on configuring or customizing Internal and External user profile repositories, refer to the ATG Personalization Programming Guide.

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