When changes are made to the active ticket, either by explicitly creating a new ticket or selecting a different ticket, the user may be prompted with a set of ticket disposition options or warnings. Warnings and the disposition options are directly related to the completion of the action selected by the agent and must be addressed before changes to the ticket can occur.

Ticket disposition is configured using a set of TicketDispositoinMonitors,for example atg/svc/agent/ticketing/ServiceTicketDispositionMonitor,in TicketingManager (WHERE IS THIS?) For additional information on configuration of ticket dispositions and environment monitoring, refer to the Environment Monitoring section.

Warnings same prompt with the ticket disposition options and can appear with or without the ticket disposition options. Whenever an environment object, for example, an order is changing, all applications are notified before the change so they can provide warnings. A prompt appears if any warnings are generated because of the change.

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