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Oracle® Server X5-4 Service Manual

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Updated: December 2015

Power Off, Remote (Oracle ILOM CLI)

You can use the Oracle ILOM SP command-line interface (CLI) to remotely power off the server to standby power mode.

  1. Open an SSH session and log in to the Oracle ILOM CLI.

    Log in as a user with root or administrator privileges. For example:

    ssh root@ipadress

    where ipadress is the IP address of the server SP.

    For more information, refer to the Oracle X5 Series Servers Administration Guide at http://www.oracle.com/goto/x86AdminDiag/docs.

    The Oracle ILOM CLI prompt appears:


  2. At the prompt, type one of the following commands:
    • For graceful power off:

      stop /System

    • For immediate power off:

      An immediate shutdown should be used in emergency situations or when you know that the loss of data is nonexistent or acceptable.

      stop -force /System

See Also