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man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2017



ct_pr_status_get_param, ct_pr_status_get_fatal, ct_pr_status_get_members, ct_pr_status_get_contracts, ct_pr_status_get_svc_fmri, ct_pr_status_get_svc_aux, ct_pr_status_get_svc_ctid, ct_pr_status_get_svc_creator - process contract status functions


cc [ flag… ] file–D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE –lcontract [ library… ] 
#include <libcontract.h>
#include <sys/contract/process.h>

int ct_pr_status_get_param(ct_stathdl_t stathdl, uint_t *paramp);
int ct_pr_status_get_fatal(ct_stathdl_t stathdl, uint_t *eventsp);
int ct_pr_status_get_members(ct_stathdl_t stathdl,
     pid_t **pidpp, uint_t *n);
int ct_pr_status_get_contracts(ct_stathdl_t stathdl,
     ctid_t **idpp, uint_t *n);
int ct_pr_status_get_svc_fmri(ct_stathdl_t stathdl, char **fmri); 
int ct_pr_status_get_svc_aux(ct_stathdl_t stathdl, char **aux);
int ct_pr_status_get_svc_ctid(ct_stathdl_t stathdl, ctid_t *ctid);
int ct_pr_status_get_svc_creator(ct_stathdl_t stathdl,
     char **creator);


These functions read process contract status information from a status object returned by ct_status_read(3CONTRACT).

The ct_pr_status_get_param() function reads the parameter set term. The value is a collection of bits as described in process(4).

The ct_pr_status_get_fatal() function reads the fatal event set term. The value is a collection of bits as described in process(4).

The ct_pr_status_get_members() function obtains a list of the process IDs of the members of the process contract. A pointer to an array of process IDs is stored in *pidpp. The number of elements in this array is stored in *n. These data are freed when the status object is freed by a call to ct_status_free(3CONTRACT).

The ct_pr_status_get_contracts() function obtains a list of IDs of contracts that have been inherited by the contract. A pointer to an array of IDs is stored in *idpp. The number of elements in this array is stored in *n. These data are freed when the status object is freed by a call to ct_status_free().

The ct_pr_status_get_svc_fmri(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_creator(), and ct_pr_status_get_svc_aux() functions read, respectively, the service FMRI, the contract's creator execname and the creator's auxiliary field. The buffer pointed to by fmri, aux or creator, is freed by a call to ct_status_free() and should not be modified.

The ct_pr_status_get_svc_ctid() function reads the process contract id for which the service FMRI was first set.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, ct_pr_status_get_param(), ct_pr_status_get_fatal(), ct_pr_status_get_members(), ct_pr_status_get_contracts(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_fmri(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_creator (), ct_pr_status_get_svc_aux(), and ct_pr_status_get_svc_ctid() return 0. Otherwise, they return a non-zero error value.


The ct_pr_status_get_param(), ct_pr_status_get_fatal(), ct_pr_status_get_members(), ct_pr_status_get_contracts(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_fmri(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_creator(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_aux(), and ct_pr_status_get_svc_ctid() functions will fail if:


The stathdl argument is not a process contract status object.

The ct_pr_status_get_param(), ct_pr_status_get_fatal(), ct_pr_status_get_members(), ct_r_status_get_contracts(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_fmri(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_creator(), ct_pr_status_get_svc_aux(), and ct_pr_status_get_svc_ctid() functions will fail if:


The requested data were not available in the status object.


Example 1 Print members of process contract 1.

Open the status file for contract 1, read the contract's status, obtain the list of processes, print them, and free the status object.

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <libcontract.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int fd;
uint_t i, n;
pid_t *procs;
ct_stathdl_t st;
fd = open("/system/contract/process/1/status");
ct_status_read(fd, &st);
ct_pr_status_get_members(st, &procs, &n);
for (i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
        printf("%ld\n", (long)procs[i]);


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also

ct_status_free(3CONTRACT), ct_status_read(3CONTRACT), libcontract(3LIB), contract(4), process(4), attributes(5), lfcompile(5)