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Oracle® Server X7-8 Service Manual

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Updated: April 2019

System Sensors Network Access Control (NAC) Names

This section includes information for system sensors:

Name (1x8)
System A Name (2x4-A Side)
System B Name (2x4-B Side)
Discrete Host power state (hidden)
01h: host is on.
20h: host is off.
Discrete PS Redundancy status
00h: fully redundant
02h: degraded redundancy
03h: non-redundant
05h: insufficient power
Threshold Chassis power consumption sensor Watts
Threshold Memory power consumption Watts
Threshold Fan power consumption Watts
Threshold Chassis ambient temperature Degree in C
Discrete Host fault sensor
01h: No Fault
02h: Fault
Discrete Fan module presence
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Fan speed. RPM
Discrete DPCC Carrier presence.
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Discrete DPCC Carrier presence.
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Discrete PCIE card presence.
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Discrete Processor presence.
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Discrete CPU module motherboard presence.
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Discrete DIMM presence (hidden)
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Threshold CMOD inlet ambient temperature Degree in C
Threshold Inlet air temperature to the DPCC connector. Degree in C
Threshold Inlet air temperature to the HDD Disk Riser. Degree in C
Threshold CMOD temperature behind CPU Degree in C
Threshold SMOD Inlet air temperature near midplane connectors. Degree in C
Threshold SMOD temperature on bottomside HBA location. Degree in C
Threshold SMOD temperature on topside network PHY chip. Degree in C
Threshold SMOD temperature on topside rear outlet. Degree in C
Discrete Power supply presence
01h: Absent
02h: Present
Threshold PS input power consumption Watts
Threshold PS output power Watts
Discrete IPMI Standard Power Supply Sensor
01h: No Fault
02h: Fault
Threshold PS inlet temperature Volts
Threshold PS main output voltage Volts
Threshold PS standby output voltage Volts
Threshold PS input voltage Volts