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SPARC M7 シリーズサーバー管理ガイド


更新: 2015 年 10 月

障害を発見する (Oracle ILOM)

FMA シェルは障害の詳細情報を表示する推奨の方法ですが、Oracle ILOM を使用して障害、未解決の問題、一般的なサーバー健全性ステータスの簡単なサマリーを表示できます。

  1. Oracle ILOM にログインします。

    Oracle ILOM (CLI) にログインするを参照してください。

  2. 障害を表示します。
    -> show faulty
    Target                           | Property                           | Value
    /SP/faultmgmt/0                  | fru                                | /SYS
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | class                              | fault.chassis.power.missing
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | sunw-msg-id                        | SPT-8000-7J
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | component                          | /SYS/PS3
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | uuid                               | ebb41093-b3bd-c05b-98eb-dfdc7ef87e18
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | timestamp                          | 2015-09-27/12:04:55
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_serial_number                  | AK00185563
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_part_number                    | 32397572+5+1
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_name                           | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | fru_manufacturer                   | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_manufacturer      | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_name              | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_part_number       | 32397572+5+1
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_component_serial_number     | AK00185563
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_manufacturer               | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_name                       | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_part_number                | 32397572+5+1
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | chassis_serial_number              | AK00185563
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_manufacturer                | Oracle Corporation
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_name                        | SPARC M7-8
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_part_number                 | 7087407
    /SP/faultmgmt/0/faults/0         | system_serial_number               | AK00180227
  3. 未解決の問題を表示します。
    -> show /System/Open_Problems
    Open Problems (5)
    Date/Time                 Subsystems          Component
    ------------------------  ------------------  ------------
    Fri Sep 27 12:04:55 2015  Cooling, Power      /System (Host System)
            A power supply unit is absent. (Probability:100, UUID:ebb41093-b3bd-c05b-98eb-dfdc7ef87e18, Resource:/SYS/PS3,
            Part Number:7087407, Serial Number:AK00180227, Reference 
    Fri Sep 27 12:04:56 2015  Cooling, Power      /System (Host System)
            A power supply unit is absent. (Probability:100, UUID:52bb334b-28cc-ce2b-d508-eeca5822d0b0, Resource:/SYS/PS5,
            Part Number:7087407, Serial Number:AK00180227, Reference 
    Fri Sep 27 12:04:56 2015  Cooling, Power      /System (Host System)
            A power supply unit is absent. (Probability:100, UUID:388a8916-3257-ea2a-c7b7-b62bf2f210f8, Resource:/SYS/PS1,
            Part Number:7087407, Serial Number:AK00180227, Reference 
    Mon Sep 27 09:43:13 2015  Domain Configuration Unit  CMIOU1 (CPU Memory IO Unit 1)
            A Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) has a corrupt FRUID SEEPROM. (Probability:100, UUID:7442c25b-564e-ece3-8b14-e42cf6c54c3d,
            Resource:/SYS/CMIOU1, Part Number:7094491, Serial Number:465769T+14296N0138,
            Reference Document:http://support.oracle.com/msg/ILOM-8000-2V)
    Mon Sep 27 12:32:06 2015  Processors, Domain Configuration Unit  CMIOU0 (CPU Memory IO Unit 0)
            The number of chip-level correctable errors has exceeded acceptable levels. (Probability:100,
            UUID:bf0af2e1-3009-e986-9bec-9eb49538e001, Resource:/SYS/CMIOU0/CM/CMP, Part Number:7094491,
            Serial Number:465769T+14296N0138, Reference Document:http://support.oracle.com/msg/SPSUN4V-8000-7D)
  4. システムの詳細を表示します。
    -> show /System
            Open_Problems (5)
            health = Service Required
            health_details = /System (Host System), CMIOU1 (CPU Memory IO Unit 1),
                             CMIOU0 (CPU Memory IO Unit 0) are faulty. Type 'show 
                             /System/Open_Problems' for details.
            open_problems_count = 5
            type = Domained Server
            model = SPARC M7-8
            qpart_id = Q10777
            part_number = 7087407
            serial_number = AK00180227
            component_model = SPARC M7-8
            component_part_number = 32397572+5+1
            component_serial_number = AK00185563
            system_identifier = SCAexit-M78-045
            system_fw_version = Sun System Firmware : 9.4.3.build_xx Tue Sep 27 11:57:15 PDT 2015
            ilom_address = IP-address
            ilom_mac_address = MAC-address
            locator_indicator = Off
            power_state = Off
            actual_power_consumption = 162 watts
            action = (none)
  5. 健全性の詳細を表示します。
    -> show /System health_details
            health_details = /System (Host System), CMIOU1 (CPU Memory IO Unit 1),
            CMIOU0 (CPU Memory IO Unit 0) are faulty. Type 'show /System/Open_Problems'
            for details.
