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Updated: July 2017

apache22 (1m)


apache22 - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2 overview




System Administration Commands                                    apache22(1M)

       apache2 - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2 overview


       Apache  HTTP  Server  Version 2.2 (Apache 2) consists of a main  server
       daemon, loadable server modules,  some additional   support  utilities,
       configuration files, and documentation.

       Both  32-bit  and 64-bit versions of the servers are installed. It also
       includes two of the most popular MPMs - Prefork and Worker.

       Apache 2 can be enabled by authorized user within the  service  manage-
       ment  facility  (SMF),  using  the  following fault management resource
       identifier (FMRI):


       Available SMF properties are listed in the following table:

       |           SMF Property Name^Value             |                             |
       |httpd/server_type^prefork (default) or worker  |                             |
       |httpd/enable_64bit^true or false(default)      |                             |
       |httpd/startup_options^valid apachectl options  |                             |
       The following files specify the installation locations for Apache 2:

       Note :

           o      The string [version] should be  expanded  to  "MAJOR.MINOR".
                  For example, /usr/apache2/2.2/*.

           o      [isainfo]  represents  the  output  of  isainfo -n on 64-bit

           o      To find the current version of Apache 2  installed  on  your
                  machine, type the following command:

                    $ /usr/apache2/[version]/bin/apachectl -v


           Contains  server configuration files. A newly-installed server con-
           tains a default httpd.conf file. This  is  the  main  configuration

           If  there is need to use different main configuration file (e.g. to
           run multiple Apache 2 instances), it's possible by providing Apache
           '-f' option via SMF property httpd/startup_options.


           Contains additional server configuration files.

           By  default, server will load all the .conf files placed under this
           directory. It also has 2 additional .load configuration  files-mod-
           ules-32.load  and  modules-64.load  which contain LoadModule direc-
           tives for loading the  32  and  64-bit  bundled  Apache  2  modules


           File  for specifying the environment settings which the server uses
           at  startup.   This   is   the   user-editable   version   of   the
           /usr/apache2/[version]/bin/envvars file.

           Note  that  this is default path to envvars file only in case where
           main configuration file is in directory /etc/apache2/[version]/. If
           this  is  not  the  case Apache 2 will look for envvars file in the
           same directory where is main configuration file.


           Magic data for mod_mime_magic Apache module as documented in the
           /usr/apache2/2.2/manual/mod/mod_mime_magic.html file.
           Editing this file is not recommended.


           Default MIME types file. This file sets the default  list  of  map-
           pings from filename extensions to content types, changing this file
           is not recommended. Use the AddType directive instead.


           Contents under this directory are delivered as-is from  the  apache
           distribution  and  these  files  are  not  meant  to be read by the


           Contains sample .conf files. These are not  included  in  the  main
           configuration file. To use the sample file, copy the file to conf.d
           directory and modify as per the need.


           Contains the 32-bit httpd (Prefork MPM)  and  httpd.worker  (Worker
           MPM) executable as well as other utility programs.


           Contains  the  64-bit  httpd (Prefork MPM) and httpd.worker (Worker
           MPM) executables as well as other utility programs.

       /usr/apache2/[version]/bin/envvars /usr/apache2/[ver-

           Contains  the  default environment settings that the server uses at
           Editing this file is not recommended.
           Instead, user should use /etc/apache2/[version]/envvars file.


           Contains the Apache 2 manual in HTML format.


           Contains the Apache 2 header files, which are needed  for  building
           various optional server extensions with apxs(8).


           Contains 32-bit loadable modules (DSOs) supplied with the server.


           Contains 64-bit loadable modules (DSOs) supplied with the server.


           Contains man pages for the server, utility programs, and mod_perl.

           Add  this directory to your MANPATH to read the Apache 2 man pages.
           See Notes.


           Contains the 32-bit Apache 2 core libraries.


           Contains the 64-bit Apache 2 core libraries.


           Contains the 32-bit modules and library files used by the  mod_perl
           extension to Apache 2.


           Default location for the CGI scripts.

           This  can be changed by altering the httpd.conf file and restarting
           the server.


           Default document root.

           This can be changed by altering the httpd.conf file and  restarting
           the server.


           Icons used by the server.

           This should not be changed.


           Place holder for 32-bit user Apache 2 modules.

           Any  32-bit  modules  which are added using apxs(8) are copied into
           this directory.


           Place holder for 64-bit user Apache 2 modules.

           Any 64-bit modules which are added using apxs(8)  are  copied  into
           this directory.


           Contains server log files.

           The  formats,  names,  and locations of the files in this directory
           can  be  altered  by  various  configuration  directives   in   the
           httpd.conf file.


           Directory  used to cache pages if  the caching feature of mod_proxy
           is enabled in the httpd.conf file.

           The location of the cache can also be changed by changing the proxy
           configuration in the httpd.conf file.


           Contains  pkg(5) version based mediated symbolic links to the vari-
           ous Apache 2 utility programs.

       Example 1 To enable 64-bit server

         # svccfg -s apache22 setprop httpd/enable_64bit=false
         # svcadm refresh apache22
         # svcadm enable apache22

       Example 2 To switch to worker server type

         # svccfg -s apache22 setprop httpd/server_type=worker
         # svcadm refresh apache22
         # svcadm restart apache22

       Example 3 Create new SMF apache instance

       This   expects   that   valid   configuration   exists   in   /var/mya-
       pache/httpd.conf  and  it  has  altered all relevant directives against
       default apache instance (e.g. PidFile, Listen,  DocumentRoot,  ErrorLog
       and CustomLog).

         # cp /lib/svc/manifest/network/http-apache22.xml my-apache22.xml

         Edit my-apache22.xml and rename instance name to my-apache22.

         # svccfg import my-apache22.xml
         # svccfg -s my-apache22 setprop 'httpd/startup_options=("-f" "/var/myapache/httpd.conf")'
         # svcadm refresh my-apache22

       See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | web/server/apache-22 |
       |Stability      | Uncommitted          |
       attributes(5), httpd(8), apachectl(8)


       In  addition  to the documentation and man pages included with Solaris,
       more information is available at http://httpd.apache.org/.

       The Apache 2 man pages are provided with the  programming  modules.  To
       view  the  manual  pages for the Apache 2 modules with the man command,
       add /usr/apache2/[version]/man to  the  MANPATH  environment  variable.
       See  man(1)  for  more  information. Running catman(1M) on the Apache 2
       manual pages is not supported.

       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source         was         downloaded         from           http://ar-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://httpd.apache.org/.

SunOS 5.11                         Feb 2015                       apache22(1M)