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Updated: July 2017



modinfo - display information about loaded kernel modules


/usr/sbin/modinfo [-c] [-w] [-i module-id]


The modinfo utility displays information about the loaded modules. The format of the information is as follows:

Id Loadaddr Size Info Rev Module Name

where Id is the module ID, Loadaddr is the starting text address in hexadecimal, Size is the size of text, data, and bss in hexadecimal bytes, Info is module specific information, Rev is the revision of the loadable modules system, and Module Name is the filename and description of the module.

The module specific information is the block and character major numbers for drivers, the system call number for system calls, and unspecified for other module types.


The following options are supported:


Display the number of instances of the module loaded and the module's current state.

–i module-id

Display information about this module only.


Do not truncate module information at 80 characters.


Example 1 Displaying the Status of a Module

The following example displays the status of module 2:

example% modinfo -i 2

Id   Loadaddr   Size Info Rev Module Name
 2    ff08e000   1734   -   1  swapgeneric (root and swap configuration)
Example 2 Displaying the Status of Kernel Modules

The following example displays the status of some kernel modules:

example% modinfo
Id Loadaddr   Size Info Rev Module Name
 2  ff08e000   1734   -   1  swapgeneric
 4  ff07a000   3bc0   -   1  specfs (filesystem for specfs)
 6  ff07dbc0   2918   -   1  TS (time sharing sched class)
 7  ff0804d8    49c   -   1  TS_DPTBL (Time sharing dispatch table)
 8  ff04a000  24a30   2   1  ufs (filesystem for ufs)
 9  ff080978   c640 226   1  rpcmod (RPC syscall)
 9  ff080978   c640   -   1  rpcmod (rpc interface str mod)
10  ff08cfb8  2031c   -   1  ip (IP Streams module)
10  ff08cfb8  2031c   2   1  ip (IP Streams device)
Example 3 Using the –c Option

Using the modinfo command with the –c option displays the number of instances of the module loaded and the module's current state.

example% modinfo -c 
Id    Loadcnt Module Name                            State
  1          0 krtld                            UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED
  2          0 genunix                          UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED
  3          0 platmod                          UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED
  4          0 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi              UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED
  5          0 cl_bootstrap                     UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED
  6          1 specfs                           LOADED/INSTALLED
  7          1 swapgeneric                      UNLOADED/UNINSTALLED
  8          1 TS                               LOADED/INSTALLED
  9          1 TS_DPTBL                         LOADED/INSTALLED
 10          1 ufs                              LOADED/INSTALLED
 11          1 fssnap_if                        LOADED/INSTALLED


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also

modload(1M), modunload(1M), attributes(5)