sg_luns - send the SCSI REPORT LUNS command
sg_luns [--decode] [--help] [--hex] [--maxlen=LEN] [--quiet] [--raw] [--select=SR] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
SG_LUNS(8) SG3_UTILS SG_LUNS(8) NAME sg_luns - send the SCSI REPORT LUNS command SYNOPSIS sg_luns [--decode] [--help] [--hex] [--maxlen=LEN] [--quiet] [--raw] [--select=SR] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE DESCRIPTION Send the SCSI REPORT LUNS command to the DEVICE and outputs the response. In the SPC-3 SCSI standard support for this command is manda- tory. OPTIONS Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well. -d, --decode decode logical unit numbers into their hierarchical parts. Interprets luns as described in SAM-3 when the HiSup bit is set in a standard INQUIRY's response. -h, --help output the usage message then exit. -H, --hex output response to this command in ASCII hex. -m, --maxlen=LEN where LEN is the (maximum) response length in bytes. It is placed in the cdb's "allocation length" field. If not given (or LEN is zero) then 8192 is used. The maximum allowed value of LEN is 65536. -q, --quiet output ASCII hex rendering of each report lun, one per line. -r, --raw output response in binary (to stdout). -s, --select=SR this option sets the 'select report' field (SR) in the SCSI REPORT LUNS command. The default value is 0. When 0 is given (or this option is not specified) then the DEVICE should yield a list of luns addressable via this "I_T nexus" that use the fol- lowing lun addressing methods: logical unit addressing, periph- eral device addressing and flat space addressing. When 1 is given the DEVICE should yield a list of only "well known" logi- cal units addressable via this "I_T" nexus. When 2 is given the DEVICE should yield all luns addressable via this "I_T" nexus. To simplify, for the I_T nexus associated with the DEVICE, the meanings of the SR values are: 0 : all luns excluding well known logical units 1 : well known logical units 2 : all luns Values between 0xf8 and 0xff (inclusive) are vendor specific (SPC-4 (rev 32), other values greater than 2 are reserved. -v, --verbose increase the level of verbosity, (i.e. debug output). -V, --version print the version string and then exit. EXIT STATUS The exit status of sg_luns is 0 when it is successful. Otherwise see the sg3_utils(8) man page. AUTHORS Written by Douglas Gilbert. REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Douglas Gilbert This software is distributed under a FreeBSD license. There is NO war- ranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +---------------+--------------------------+ |ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +---------------+--------------------------+ |Availability | system/storage/sg3_utils | +---------------+--------------------------+ |Stability | Uncommitted | +---------------+--------------------------+ SEE ALSO sg_inq(8) NOTES This software was built from source available at The original community source was downloaded from Further information about this software can be found on the open source community website at sg3_utils-1.33 August 2011 SG_LUNS(8)