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Oracle Developer Studio 12.5 Man Pages

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Updated: June 2017



version - display version identification of object file or binary


version   filename [filename filename  ... ]
version -p  command [ command command  ... ]


The version command displays the version of the named file(s).


Type: version filename or version -p command.

filename (or a list of file names) is either a full path to a file starting with /, or a relative path starting from the current directory.

Alternatively, use the -p option to search the current $PATH for command (or a list of commands) and display it's version string.

You can also use the cc, CC, and f95 compiler's -V option to display directly the version ID of the various executables that operate during a compilation session.


In the following examples, path must give the full pathname to the file(s).

version  /path/f95 /path/prod/iropt

Or use the -p option to find a command on the current $PATH:

version -p  cc CC f95 dbx


The version command seeks and displays any string of ASCII characters following the @(#)RELEASE VERSION string. This string should be in a #pragma ident, for example:

#pragma ident @(#)RELEASE VERSION 8.2

The version information string following this version-key string can be any sequence of printable characters terminated by a NEWLINE or NULL.

To see a list of the Oracle Developer Studio components installed on your system, use the package command that is appropriate for your system.

For example, to see which package contains the cc binary use commands like this:

Solaris 10

pkgchk -l -p /path/to/.../bin/cc

Solaris 11

pkg search -lp /path/to/.../bin/cc


rpm -qf /path/to/.../bin/cc

To see which Oracle Developer Studio packages are installed on the system:

Solaris 10

pkginfo | grep SPRO

Solaris 11

pkg list | grep -i studio


rpm -qa | grep solstudio | head