Edit Repository

To edit a storage repository:

  1. Select the repository in the tree view in the navigation pane and click Edit Selected Repository Edit Selected Repository icon in the toolbar above.

  2. In the Edit Repository dialog box you can make the following changes:

    Repository Name: Edit the name of the selected repository.

    Server Pool: This option is available if your repository location is a Physical Disk. It allows you to change the server pool that the repository is associated with. This option makes it simple to move OCFS2 repositories from one server pool to another. Usually after changing server pool association, you should change the Oracle VM Servers or server pool where the repository is presented. See Section, “Present or Unpresent Repository” for more information on presenting a repository to Oracle VM Servers.

    Description: Optionally enter a more elaborate description of the selected repository.

    Release Ownership: This check box is displayed if the repository is currently under ownership of the current Oracle VM Manager instance. Select this check box to allow the repository to be used by another Oracle VM Manager.

    Take Ownership: This check box is displayed if the repository is not under the ownership of the current Oracle VM Manager instance. Select this check box to take ownership of the repository. The repository should first be released from the ownership of any other Oracle VM Manager instance.

    By clicking on the Present Repository tab, you can easily change the servers or server pools on which the repository is presented. See Section, “Present or Unpresent Repository” for more information on this.


    The Present Repository tab is only available if the repository is owned by the current Oracle VM Manager instance.

  3. Click OK to save the changes to the storage repository.