3.6 Unassigned Servers Folder

The Unassigned Servers navigation folder in the navigation tree contains all of the servers that do not belong to a configured server pool within Oracle VM Manager. The structure of the navigation provided in the navigation tree is discussed in more detail in Section 3.2, “Summary”.

Clicking on the Unassigned Servers folder in the navigation tree allows you to access different perspectives in the management pane. Each perspective provides its own view of all of the unassigned servers within Oracle VM Manager. Most of the perspectives also include separate perspective toolbars that enable you to perform various configuration or management tasks specific to the view currently displayed within the management pane. The Unassigned Servers folder offers the following perspectives within the management pane:

Within the Unassigned Servers navigation folder, individual server navigation items may also be displayed if there are servers within your environment that have not been assigned to a particular server pool. Each server item has the same associated perspectives and toolbars available as a server item listed within a particular server pool.

To see further information on the perspectives and toolbars associated with a server navigation item, please refer to Section 3.5, “Server Item”.