Edit Server

You can edit the configuration information for an Oracle VM Server to change the name, description, any server pool roles, and to take it off-line to perform system maintenance.

To edit the configuration information of an Oracle VM Server:

  1. Click the Servers and VMs tab.

  2. Select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation pane. Click Edit Server Edit Server icon in the toolbar.

  3. The Edit Server dialog box is displayed. In the Configuration tab, edit the information about the Oracle VM Server:

    • Name: The name of the Oracle VM Server.

    • Description: A description of the Oracle VM Server.

    • NTP Server(s): Allows you to specify the NTP server settings for each individual Oracle VM Server. You can add multiple NTP servers using a comma-separated list.


      If you need to batch edit the NTP servers for a large number of Oracle VM Servers in your environment, you should use the Oracle VM Manager Command Line Interface, edit Server, or the Oracle VM Web Services API to do this programmatically.

    • Server in Maintenance Mode: Select whether to place the Oracle VM Server in maintenance mode.

      An Oracle VM Server can be placed into maintenance mode to perform hardware or software maintenance. When an Oracle VM Server is placed in maintenance mode, any virtual machines running on the Oracle VM Server are automatically migrated to other Oracle VM Servers in the server pool, if they are available. If the Oracle VM Server is the master Oracle VM Server in the server pool, this role is moved to another Oracle VM Server in the server pool, if available, after the server is shutdown. If any of these automatic processes fail, check the Oracle VM Server event log (Section 3.5.10, “Events Perspective”) for reasons why the failure occurred.

      When an Oracle VM Server is placed into maintenance mode its icon: Maintenance Mode icon is updated in the navigation pane.

      When you have finished performing maintenance on the Oracle VM Server and you are ready for it to rejoin the server pool, ensure that the Maintenance Mode check box is unchecked.

    • Take Ownership of Server: Select to take ownership of the Oracle VM Server.


      Configuration of NTP for each Oracle VM Server takes place when a server changes ownership. If you release ownership of a server, its NTP configuration is updated to point locally to itself. When Oracle VM Manager takes ownership of a server, the server's NTP configuration is automatically updated to point to the Oracle VM Manager instance. This may only be evident after the server has been refreshed.


      You cannot edit the ownership of an Oracle VM Server if it is included in a server pool or if a repository is presented to it.

    • Inbound Migration Locked: Select whether to allow additional virtual machines to run on the Oracle VM Server. Selecting this option prevents new or migrated virtual machines to run on the Oracle VM Server. See How Can I Protect Virtual Machines? for more information on inbound migration lock.

    • Oracle VM Agent password: The password to connect to the Oracle VM Agent. The value for this field is required if you select to take ownership of the Oracle VM Server.

    • Utility Server: Select to designate the Oracle VM Server to perform utility functions such as importing, cloning and storage refresh.

    • VM Server: The virtual machine role is required to run virtual machines.

  4. In the IPMI tab, select the Enable Server IPMI check box to enable the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI). IPMI allows you to remotely power on or power off an Oracle VM Server. If IPMI is either not available or not enabled on the Oracle VM Server, Oracle VM Manager may still be able to remotely power on an Oracle VM Server using a Wake on LAN message without having to physically press the power button, and it may be able to send a system power off message to shut it down. Select the IPMI Password Required check box if your IPMI setup requires a password to change the configuration.

    To configure IPMI enter the following information in the fields:

    • Access Username: The user name for the IPMI.

    • Password: The password for the IPMI.

    • IP Address: The IP address of the IPMI.

  5. To edit the tags associated with the server, click the Tags tab. Using the controls provided, you can add or remove tags that can be used to identify the server and to group it with other objects within Oracle VM Manager. See Section 1.14, “Tags” for more information on creating and managing tags.

Click OK. The Oracle VM Server is updated.

Batch Editing Oracle VM Servers

You can edit the information for more than one Oracle VM Server at a time by using the multi-select functionality provided within the Oracle VM Manager interface to select multiple items before clicking on the Edit Server Edit Server icon icon in the toolbar.

When editing a group of Oracle VM Servers in batch mode the options available to you are limited to actions that can be applied to all selected items. The following options are available:

  • Server in Maintenance Mode: Checking this check box sets all selected items into Maintenance Mode.

  • Take Ownership of Server: Checking this check box allows Oracle VM Manager to take ownership of all of the selected items.

  • Oracle VM Agent password: The password to connect to the Oracle VM Agent. The value for this field is required if you select to take ownership of the selected items.

  • Utility Server: Checking this check box changes the role of all selected items to Utility Servers.

  • VM Server: Checking this check box changes the role of all selected items to Virtual Machine Servers.


If the values set for the options provided vary across the selected servers, the dialog displays the values for the first server in the selection. Clicking OK updates all of the selected servers to have the same status.