View Access Groups for Selected Initiator

In order to access SAN server storage, an access group must be created, and a storage initiator configured on the Oracle VM Server. Storage initiators are added to an Oracle VM Server during discovery, based on your storage configuration. You configure access groups to bind storage initiators to physical disks. For information on creating access groups, see Section 6.6.4, “Access Groups Perspective”. You can also view and configure existing storage initiators for a particular Oracle VM Server.

To view access groups for storage initiators on an Oracle VM Server:

  1. Click the Servers and VMs tab, and select the Oracle VM Server in the navigation tree.

  2. Select Storage Initiators in the Perspective drop-down list in the management pane. The storage initiators configured on the Oracle VM Server are listed in the management pane table.

  3. Select a storage initiator in the table, and click View access groups for selected initiator View access groups for selected initiator icon .

  4. The View Access Groups for Initiator dialog box is displayed. Select the SAN Server and Access Groups from the drop-down lists and click Add. Click OK.

See Section 6.6.4, “Access Groups Perspective” for more information on managing SAN server access groups.