Refresh Physical Disk

When changes are made to the physical disks on a SAN server or Oracle VM Server, it is useful to refresh the configuration of your physical disks to make Oracle VM Manager aware of the changes.

To refresh physical disks:

  1. Expand the SAN Servers folder in the navigation tree, select a SAN server item contained within the folder. Select the Physical Disks option in the Perspective drop-down list. Select the physical disk or disks that you wish to refresh in the table presented in the management pane.

    To refresh physical disks used by a particular server, on the Servers and VMs tab, expand the Server Pools or Unassigned Servers folder, to select a particular server in the navigation tree. Select the Physical Disks option in the Perspective drop-down list. Select the physical disk that you wish to refresh in the table presented in the management pane.

  2. Click on the Refresh Physical Disk icon Refresh Physical Disk option in the toolbar.

  3. The selected physical disks are refreshed and their configurations are updated within Oracle VM Manager.


If you encounter an error, when refreshing a physical disk with a repository located on it, similar to the following:

OVMAPI_7281E Cannot perform operation on file system...

You may need to ensure that the repository is under the ownership of the Oracle VM Manager instance that you are using. See Section, “Edit Repository” for more information.