Define or Edit Server Pool Policies

It is possible to define server pool policies to improve power and resource usage across the servers within your server pool. The two policies you can set are for:

The policy is also able to be set for networks used in a server pool. You can set the server pool to use either DRS, or DPM, but not both at the same time.

See What are Server Pool Policies? in the Oracle VM Concepts Guide for more information on these server pool policies.

To set a server pool policy:

  1. Click the Servers and VMs tab.

  2. Select the server pool in the Server Pools folder in the navigation pane.

  3. From the Perspective field in the management pane, select Policies from the drop-down list. Click Edit Edit icon in the toolbar. The Configure Policy step of the Configure DRS/DPM wizard is displayed.

    This figure shows the Configure Policy step in the Configure DRS/DPM wizard.

    Enter the server pool policy information:

    • Policy Control:

      • Policy Type: You can choose from either DRS, DPM, or none. You cannot set both DRS and DPM to be active at the same time.

      • Time Period (Minutes): The time period for the policy job to run. This sets the policy job to run every n minutes, for example, 10 sets the policy job to run every 10 minutes. You can enter a number between 2 and 60.

    • Server CPU:

      • Enable: Set whether to enable or disable logging of CPU performance and utilization.

      • Threshold (%): The maximum amount of CPU percentage usage allowed before the policy must be enacted. You can enter between 0 and 99.

    • Servers: Select the Oracle VM Servers for which the policy is to be enabled by moving the selected Oracle VM Servers from the Available Servers to the Selected Servers shuttle box.

    Click Next.

  4. The Select Networks step of the Configure DRS/DPM wizard is displayed.

    This figure shows the Select Networks step in the Configure DRS/DPM wizard.

    Select the networks to be included in the policy. Click Next.

  5. The Network Settings step of the Configure DRS/DPM wizard is displayed.

    This figure shows the Network Settings step in the Configure DRS/DPM wizard.

    Select whether to enable the policy on the network, and select the threshold at which the policy is to be enacted for the network. Click Finish.

The policy is set for the server pool.