ACC (see ATG Control Center)
AccessControlServlet, Configuring AccessControlServlet
accessing ATG Merchandising, Accessing the ATG Merchandising UI, Browsing ATG Merchandising Outside of a Project
accounts, user, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
activities (see default activity)
Add to Project button, Working on a Task
adding assets to tabs
Multi Edit, Adding Assets to the Multi Edit Tab
Project, Working on a Task
Administer Commerce Search project type, Projects and Workflows
administrative tasks
AccessControlServlet, Configuring AccessControlServlet
assemblying applications, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
database destruction, Removing ATG Merchandising
database setup, evaluation, Configuring Database Tables on an Evaluation Database, Importing Required Content
database setup, production, Importing Required Content
database tables (see databases)
deploying applications, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
deploying projects, Deploying Assets in a Project
installing ATG Merchandising, Installing the ATG Merchandising Application
search configurations, Administering Search Configurations
setup checklist, Configuring ATG Merchandising
user accounts and roles, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
user interface, configuring, Customizing ATG Merchandising
workflows, Configuring Workflows
administrators, Audience
advancing to the next task, Advancing to the Next Task
All Others dimension value, Sample Types of Trees
application assembly, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
application deployment, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
apply to all multi edit, Applying One Set of Property Values to Several Assets at Once (Apply to All)
architecture, ATG Merchandising Architecture
asset types
changing visible types in trees, Modifying Tree Views
adding to a project, Working on a Task
adding to Multi Edit tab, Adding Assets to the Multi Edit Tab
adding to Project tab, Working on a Task
browsing outside of a project, Browsing ATG Merchandising Outside of a Project
creating, Creating Assets
creating based on existing, Creating Assets Based on Existing Assets
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Assets
deploying, Deploying Assets in a Project
editing in bulk, Modifying Assets in Bulk, Multi Edit Tab
editing individually, Modifying Assets Individually
exporting, Exporting Assets to Excel Format, Exporting Asset Data
importing, Importing Assets from a Spreadsheet
in breadcrumb list, Breadcrumb List
linking, Linking Assets
moving, Moving Assets
removing, Removing Assets
reverting changes, Working on a Task
searching for, Searching for Assets in the Search Tab, Search Tab
unlinking, Unlinking Assets
visible in Search tab, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
assigning price lists, Providing Price Lists to Users, Assigning Price Lists to Organizations
assigning tasks, Working on a Task
ATG Business Control Center, Related Documentation, Accessing the ATG Merchandising UI
ATG Control Center, Related Documentation
ATG Merchandising
accessing, Accessing the ATG Merchandising UI
architecture, ATG Merchandising Architecture
overview, ATG Merchandising Features and Concepts
terminology, ATG Merchandising Terminology
audience, Audience


base price lists (see price lists)
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
base search configurations
creating, Creating Search Configurations and Base Search Configurations
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Search Merchandising Assets
inheriting settings from, Inheriting Settings from Base Search Configurations
language dimension, Configuring Language Support
Base Search Configurations view, Base Search Configurations View
basic pricing, Working with Prices
BCC (see ATG Business Control Center)
BCC home, Main Page
Breadcrumb list, Breadcrumb List
Browse tab, Browse Tab
Base Search Configurations view, Base Search Configurations View
Catalog view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Catalog View
Coupons view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Coupons View
Facet view, Facet View
Media view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Media View
Price Lists and Folders view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Views for Price Lists
Price Lists view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Views for Price Lists
Promotions view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Promotions View
Property Prioritization view, Search Merchandising Administrative Views
Search Configuration Tree view, Search Configuration Tree View
Search Testing view, Search Testing View
Segment List view, Search Merchandising Administrative Views
SEO Tags view, SEO Tags View
Unlinked Catalog Items view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Unlinked Catalog Items View
visible views, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
browsing ATG Merchandising, Browsing ATG Merchandising Outside of a Project
buckets, Modifying Tree Views
bulk editing (see multi edit)
bulk prices, Defining Volume Pricing


catalog folders
creating, Creating Catalog Folders
deleting, Deleting Parents from the Catalog, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
moving, Moving Catalog Folders or Price List Folders to the Top Level
Catalog view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Catalog View
creating, Creating Catalogs
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
standard vs. custom, Standard or Custom Catalogs
creating, Creating Categories
deleting, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
on the top level, Creating Categories
category facets, Common Collaborative Facets
collection properties
adding to during import, Formatting a File for Import
exporting, Options for Exporting Collection Properties
resolving version conflicts, Conflict Resolution for Collection Properties
review changes display limit, Conflict Resolution for Collection Properties
commerce assets, definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
CommerceSearchTestingFormHandler class, Adding Inputs to Search Testing
configurable options
creating, Creating Configuration Options
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
configurable properties
creating, Creating Configurable Properties
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
configurable SKUs
creating, Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
search testing, Configuring Search Testing
configuring a production content administration database, Configuring Database Tables on a Production-Ready Database
configuring AccessControlServlet, Configuring AccessControlServlet
configuring an evaluation database, Configuring Database Tables on an Evaluation Database
configuring repositories, Configuring Secured and Unsecured Repositories
configuring target clusters, Configuring a Target Cluster
configuring the ATG Merchandising UI, Customizing ATG Merchandising
configuring workflows, Configuring Workflows
conflict resolution
collection properties, Conflict Resolution for Collection Properties
overview, Conflict Resolution Overview
procedure, Resolving Version Conflicts
process, Conflict Resolution Overview
content administration database
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
content management, ATG Merchandising Features and Concepts
conventions, Document Conventions
search tests, Managing Search Tests and Search Test Folders
creating, Creating Coupons
deleting, Deleting Assets
modifying property values, Updating Coupon Properties
Coupons view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Coupons View
base search configurations, Creating Search Configurations and Base Search Configurations
catalog folders, Creating Catalog Folders
catalogs, Creating Catalogs
categories, Creating Categories
configurable properties, Creating Configurable Properties
configurable SKUs, Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs
configuration options, Creating Configuration Options
coupons, Creating Coupons
facets, Creating Facets
media assets, Creating Media Assets and Folders
media folders, Creating Media Assets and Folders
price list folders, Creating Price Lists and Price List Folders
price lists, Creating Price Lists and Price List Folders
products, Creating Products
projects, Creating an ATG Merchandising Project
promotions, Creating Promotions
search configuration folders, Managing Search Configuration Folders
search configurations, Creating Search Configurations and Base Search Configurations
search tests, Creating a Search Test
SEO Tags, Creating SEO Tags
SKU links, Creating SKU Links
SKUs, Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs
workflows, Configuring Workflows
creating assets
based on existing assets, Creating Assets Based on Existing Assets
from a spreadsheet, Formatting a File for Import
overview, Creating Assets
creating media assets, Creating Media Assets and Folders
CSV files
importing from, Formatting a File for Import
custom catalogs
assigning price lists to organizations, Assigning Price Lists to Organizations
creating catalog folders, Creating Catalog Folders
creating catalogs, Creating Catalogs
creating versioned tables, Creating Versioned Custom Catalogs Tables
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
different from standard, Standard or Custom Catalogs
export and import, Customizing Export and Import
search testing, Customizing Search Testing Inputs and Outputs
customizing views, Customizing Views


configuring, Configuring Database Tables on a Production-Ready Database
configuring for evaluation, Configuring Database Tables on an Evaluation Database
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deployment resources, Configuring Deployment Resources
destroying tables, Removing ATG Merchandising
importing content, Importing Required Content
versioned Business Commerce tables, Creating Versioned Business Commerce Tables, Destroying Versioned Business Commerce Tables
versioned core Commerce Search tables, Creating Versioned Search Tables, Destroying Versioned Search Tables
versioned core Commerce tables, Creating Versioned Core Commerce Tables, Destroying Versioned Core Commerce Tables
versioned custom catalog Search tables, Creating Versioned Custom Catalog Tables with Search Support, Destroying Versioned Custom Catalog Tables with Search Support
versioned custom catalogs tables, Creating Versioned Custom Catalogs Tables, Destroying Versioned Custom Catalog Tables
versioned Search tables, Creating Versioned Search Tables, Destroying Versioned Search Tables
DCS-UI module, Running ATG Merchandising
deactivating promotions, Deactivating Promotions
default activity
Browse tab views, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
default settings, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tabs, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tags in a task configuration file, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
view mapping, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
default task
Browse tab views, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
default settings, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tabs, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tags in a task configuration file, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
toolbar buttons, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
view mapping, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
defining promotions, Defining Promotions
for a particular asset, Defining a Promotion for a Particular Asset
defining search configurations, Defining Search Configurations
defining selections, Setting the Defining Selections Property
definitions, ATG Merchandising Terminology
assets, Removing Assets, How Asset Deletions Work, Deleting Assets
base price lists, Deleting Base Price Lists
base search configurations, Deleting Search Merchandising Assets
coupons, Deleting Assets
facets with nested facets, Deleting Facets with Nested Facets
media folders with children, Deleting Media Folders with Children
parents from a catalog, Deleting Parents from the Catalog
projects, Deleting a Project
promotions, Deleting Assets
search configuration folders, Managing Search Configuration Folders
search configuration rules, Disabling and Deleting Rules
search configurations, Deleting Search Merchandising Assets
search tests, Managing Search Tests and Search Test Folders
Unlinked Catalog Items view, Deleting Parents from the Catalog
deploying a project, Deploying Assets in a Project
configuring resources, Configuring Deployment Resources
workflows, Configuring Workflows
designing a site with multiple facets, Designing a Site with Multiple Facets
destroying database tables, Removing ATG Merchandising
versioned Business Commerce tables, Destroying Versioned Business Commerce Tables
versioned core Commerce Search database tables, Destroying Versioned Search Tables
versioned core Commerce tables, Destroying Versioned Core Commerce Tables
versioned custom catalog Search database tables, Destroying Versioned Custom Catalog Tables with Search Support
versioned custom catalogs tables, Destroying Versioned Custom Catalog Tables
versioned Search database tables, Destroying Versioned Search Tables
Details pane, Main Page
development databases (see databases)
dimensions, Sample Types of Trees
All Others value, Sample Types of Trees
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
language, Configuring Language Support
segment, Configuring the Segment Dimension
disabling search configuration rules, Disabling and Deleting Rules
document conventions, Document Conventions
downloading the EditLive editor, Downloading the EditLive Applet
duplicating assets, Creating Assets Based on Existing Assets


editCommerceAssets (see manage commerce assets)
search tests, Editing a Saved Search Test
EditLive editor
downloading, Downloading the EditLive Applet
overview, Overview of the EditLive HTML Editor
using, Formatting Text with HTML
exclusion rules
testing, Results List, Query Rule Details
ExportAsset component, Customizing Export and Import
exporting assets
collection properties, Options for Exporting Collection Properties
customizing, Customizing Export and Import
format of spreadsheet, Format of the Exported Spreadsheet
guidelines and limitations, Export Guidelines and Limitations
overview, Exporting Assets to Excel Format
procedure, Exporting Asset Data
supported types, Supported Asset Types and Property Types for Export


facet details output, search testing, Facet Details
facet selections (see selections)
Facet view, Facet View
Faceted Search, Common Collaborative Facets
Faceting Property, Setting General Facet Properties
category , Common Collaborative Facets
collaborative, Common Collaborative Facets
creating, Creating Facets
defining, Defining Facets
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Facets with Nested Facets, Deleting Assets
examples, Designing a Site with Multiple Facets
excluding products, Products Included in Facets
general properties, Setting General Facet Properties
global vs. local, Faceted Search, Creating Facets
including products, Products Included in Facets
independent, Facets: Independent or Nested?
multiple, Designing a Site with Multiple Facets
name, Setting General Facet Properties
nested, Facets: Independent or Nested?, Managing Nested Facets
overview, Faceted Search
selections (see selections)
testing, Search Testing Environment, Testing Facets, Facet Details
finding what you need, Finding What You Need
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
dynamic (see buckets)
price list (see price list folders)
search configuration (see search configuration folders)
search test (see search test folders)
formatting text with HTML
overview, Overview of the EditLive HTML Editor
procedure, Formatting Text with HTML


JBoss, application assembly and deployment, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application


Manage Commerce Assets project type, Projects and Workflows
Manage Commerce Assets workflow, Configuring Workflows
media assets
creating, Creating Media Assets and Folders
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Media Folders with Children, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
media folders
creating, Creating Media Assets and Folders
deleting, Deleting Media Folders with Children, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
Media view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Media View
media-external assets, Creating Media Assets and Folders
media-internal-binary assets, Creating Media Assets and Folders
media-internal-text assets, Creating Media Assets and Folders
merchandisers, Audience
modifying asset property values, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
modifying assets in bulk (see multi edit)
modifying assets individually, Modifying Assets Individually
modules, Running ATG Merchandising, ATG Merchandising Modules
moving, Moving Assets
catalog folders, Moving Catalog Folders or Price List Folders to the Top Level
price list folders, Moving Catalog Folders or Price List Folders to the Top Level
search configuration folders, Moving Search Configurations and Search Configuration Folders
search configurations, Moving Search Configurations and Search Configuration Folders
search tests, Managing Search Tests and Search Test Folders
multi edit, Modifying Assets in Bulk, Multi Edit Tab
apply to all, Applying One Set of Property Values to Several Assets at Once (Apply to All)
list edit, Modifying All Assets in a List at Once (List Edit)
step edit, Modifying Assets Sequentially (Step Edit)
Multi Edit tab, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Multi Edit Tab
multiple facets, Designing a Site with Multiple Facets


Navigation pane, Main Page
changing settings, Modifying List Views
modifying an existing list view, Modifying List Views
modifying an existing tree view, Modifying Tree Views
nested facets, Managing Nested Facets
deleting, Deleting Facets with Nested Facets


opening a project, Working on a Task
organizations, Assigning Price Lists to Organizations
organizing assets, Creating and Organizing Assets, Moving Assets
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Parents from the Catalog
linking to parents, Linking Assets
Unlinked Catalog Items view, Unlinked Catalog Items View
unlinking from parents, Unlinking Assets
overview of ATG Merchandising, ATG Merchandising Features and Concepts


definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Parents from the Catalog
linking, Linking Assets
unlinking, Unlinking Assets
positioning rules
testing, Results List, Query Rule Details
preview users
testing searches for, Performing Search Tests
price list folders
creating, Creating Price Lists and Price List Folders
deleting, Deleting Assets
moving, Moving Catalog Folders or Price List Folders to the Top Level
price lists, Working with Prices
accessing through views, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
assigning to users, Providing Price Lists to Users
bulk pricing, Defining Volume Pricing
creating, Creating Price Lists and Price List Folders
defining, Using and Defining Price Lists
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Base Price Lists, Deleting Assets
different from basic pricing, Working with Prices
property descriptions, Modifying Price List Properties
providing prices, Providing Prices to Products or SKUs
tiered pricing, Defining Volume Pricing
volume pricing, Defining Volume Pricing
Price Lists and Folders view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Views for Price Lists
Price Lists view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Views for Price Lists
pricing, basic vs. lists, Working with Prices
product catalogs
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
creating, Creating Products
deleting, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
providing prices for price lists, Providing Prices to Products or SKUs
programmers, Audience
Project tab, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Project Tab
adding assets, Working on a Task
accessing, Working on a Task
adding assets, Working on a Task
Administer Commerce Search, Projects and Workflows
advancing to the next task, Advancing to the Next Task
assigning tasks, Working on a Task
creating, Creating an ATG Merchandising Project
deleting, Deleting a Project
deploying, Deploying Assets in a Project
Manage Commerce Assets, Projects and Workflows
opening, Working on a Task
overview, Projects and Workflows
Project tab, Project Tab
resolving conflicts between, Conflict Resolution Overview
reverting changes, Working on a Task
tasks, Working on a Task
accessing in Promotions view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Promotions View
active dates, Specifying When a Promotion is Active
building discount rules, Building Discount Rules
creating, Creating Promotions
deactivating, Deactivating Promotions
defining, Defining Promotions
deleting, Deleting Assets
implementing, Creating Promotions
item discount for a specific asset, Defining a Promotion for a Particular Asset
property descriptions, Defining Promotions
Promotions view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Promotions View
coupons, Updating Coupon Properties
deleting during import, Formatting a File for Import
exporting, Exporting Assets to Excel Format, Exporting Asset Data
formatting with HTML, Formatting Large Text Properties with HTML
importing, Importing Assets from a Spreadsheet
managing in the Property Prioritization tab, Managing the Properties Available for Property Prioritization
modifying values, Modifying Assets Individually, Modifying Assets in Bulk
promotions, Defining Promotions
undoing value changes, Undoing Property Value Changes
property groups, Modifying Assets in Bulk
importing examples, Importing Required Content
property prioritization
managing properties in the tab, Managing the Properties Available for Property Prioritization
specifying, Specifying the Priority of Properties
tab, Managing the Properties Available for Property Prioritization
Property Prioritization view, Search Merchandising Administrative Views
publishing user, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles


query rule details output, search testing, Query Rule Details
query rules
testing, Query Rule Details
QueryRequest component, Using Grouping


ready for review action, Advancing to the Next Task
redirection rules, Defining Rules
testing, Query Rule Details
Remove button, Working on a Task
assets, Removing Assets
ATG Merchandising, Removing ATG Merchandising
destroying tables, Removing ATG Merchandising
removing assets from a project, Working on a Task
search tests, Managing Search Tests and Search Test Folders
restricting import, Specifying Repositories that Allow Import from Spreadsheets
securing, Configuring Secured and Unsecured Repositories
repository, source, destination, and target, Configuring Deployment Resources
resolving version conflicts
collection properties, Conflict Resolution for Collection Properties
overview, Conflict Resolution Overview
procedure, Resolving Version Conflicts
process, Conflict Resolution Overview
resource bundles, Working with Resource Bundles
task configuration file, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
result exclusion rules, Defining Rules
result positioning rules, Defining Rules
results list
evaluating in search tests, Results List
specifying for search tests, Specifying the Test Output
reverting changes, Working on a Task
review changes
collection property display limit, Conflict Resolution for Collection Properties
resolving conflicts, Conflict Resolution Overview
resolving version conflicts, Conflict Resolution for Collection Properties, Resolving Version Conflicts
right-hand pane, Main Page
roles, user, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
running ATG Merchandising, Running ATG Merchandising


search tests, Saving and Organizing Tests, Saving a Search Test
search configuration details output, search testing, Search Configuration Details
search configuration folders
creating, Managing Search Configuration Folders
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Managing Search Configuration Folders
language dimension, Configuring Language Support
moving, Moving Search Configurations and Search Configuration Folders
order of configurations in the tree, The Order of Assets in the Tree
segment dimension, Configuring the Segment Dimension
Search Configuration Tree view, Search Configuration Tree View
search configurations, Search Merchandising
creating, Creating Search Configurations and Base Search Configurations
defining, Defining Search Configurations
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
deleting, Deleting Search Merchandising Assets
disabling or deleting rules, Disabling and Deleting Rules
inherited property prioritizations, Applying Inherited Result Prioritization Settings
inherited rules, Applying Inherited Rules
language dimension, Configuring Language Support
moving, Moving Search Configurations and Search Configuration Folders
order of configurations in the tree, The Order of Assets in the Tree
property prioritization, Managing the Properties Available for Property Prioritization, Specifying the Priority of Properties
redirection rules, Defining Rules
result exclusion rules, Defining Rules
result positioning rules, Defining Rules
rule order, Creating a New Rule
segment dimension, Configuring the Segment Dimension
testing, Search Testing Environment, Performing Search Tests, Search Configuration Details
using settings from other configurations, Inheriting Settings from Base Search Configurations, Copying Result Prioritization Settings from Another Search Configuration
search configurations tree, Structuring the Search Configuration Tree
administration, Administering Search Configurations
design, Where to Begin
language significance, Implicit Language Inheritance
order of contents, The Order of Assets in the Tree
types of trees, Sample Types of Trees
search environment, Search Testing Environment
Search Merchandising, Search Merchandising, Structuring the Search Configuration Tree
administration, Administering Search Configurations
administrative views, Search Merchandising Administrative Views
Search tab, Searching for Assets in the Search Tab, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Search Tab
search test
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
search test folders, Saving and Organizing Tests
search testing
adding inputs to, Adding Inputs to Search Testing
adding properties to results list, Customizing the Results List Output
configuring, Configuring Search Testing
creating a test, Creating a Search Test
customizing, Customizing Search Testing Inputs and Outputs
deleting tests, Managing Search Tests and Search Test Folders
editing tests, Editing a Saved Search Test
environment, Search Testing Environment
evaluating results, Evaluating Test Results
facet details output, Facet Details
facets, Testing Facets
form handler class, Adding Inputs to Search Testing
grouping results, Using Grouping
guidelines, Guidelines for Search Tests
input options, Defining Input Options
multiple languages, Languages in Search Tests, Performing Search Tests
output types, Test Output Types
overview, Search Testing, Search Testing Overview
process, Performing Search Tests
query rule details output, Query Rule Details
response languages, Specifying Response Languages
results list output, Results List
saving tests, Saving and Organizing Tests, Saving a Search Test
search configuration details output, Search Configuration Details
search environments, Setting up Environments to Search
search response XML properties, Property Mappings between Search Testing and the Search Response XML
specifying criteria, Specifying the Search Criteria to Test
specifying the output, Specifying the Test Output
term details output, Term Details
tracked item details output, Tracked Item Details
Search Testing view, Search Testing View
search text
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
search text, testing, Performing Search Tests
SearchTestingFormHandler component, Adding Inputs to Search Testing
SearchTestingQueryFormHandler component, Using Grouping
SearchTestingUIPropertyMapping component, Using Grouping, Property Mappings between Search Testing and the Search Response XML
secured repositories, Configuring Secured and Unsecured Repositories
segment dimension
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
Segment List view, Search Merchandising Administrative Views
dimension, Configuring the Segment Dimension
selections, Setting the Defining Selections Property
ordering, Specifying a Selection Sort Order
types, Using One Selection for Each Faceting Property Value, Using Dynamic Selections, Using Guided Selection Ranges, Using Specified Selections
SEO Tags
creating, Creating SEO Tags
SEO Tags view, SEO Tags View
setting up
an evaluation copy of ATG Merchandising, Configuring Database Tables on an Evaluation Database
ATG Merchandising, Configuring ATG Merchandising
Internet Explorer, Setting Up Internet Explorer
user accounts and roles, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
Show menu, Browse Tab
SKU links
creating, Creating SKU Links
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
creating, Creating SKUs and Configurable SKUs
deleting, Deleting Assets
modifying, Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
providing prices for price lists, Providing Prices to Products or SKUs
SOLID database, Configuring Database Tables on an Evaluation Database
source repository, Configuring Deployment Resources
specifying a selection sort order, Specifying a Selection Sort Order
creating assets, Formatting a File for Import
export format, Format of the Exported Spreadsheet
exporting to, Exporting Assets to Excel Format, Exporting Asset Data
import format, Formatting a File for Import
importing, Importing Asset Data
importing from, Importing Assets from a Spreadsheet
validating for import, Validating and Previewing Assets Prior to Import
standard catalogs
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
different from custom, Standard or Custom Catalogs
startup modules, Running ATG Merchandising
step edit multi edit, Modifying Assets Sequentially (Step Edit)


Browse, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Browse Tab
hiding/showing, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
Multi Edit, Adding Assets to the Multi Edit Tab, Multi Edit Tab
ordering, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
Project, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Project Tab
Search, Searching for Assets in the Search Tab, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Search Tab
visible to activities, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
visible to tasks, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tabs and views, : User Interface Reference
tags in a task configuration file, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tailoring the UI for specific workflows, tasks, and activities, Defining the UI for Tasks and Activities
target clusters
configuring, Configuring a Target Cluster
target repository, Configuring Deployment Resources
task configuration file, Defining the UI for Tasks and Activities
anatomy, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
default activity, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
default task, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
resource bundles, Working with Resource Bundles, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tags, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
view mapping, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
Task menu, Advancing to the Next Task
tasks, Working on a Task
advancing, Advancing to the Next Task
assigning, Working on a Task
tags in a task configuration file, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tailoring UI, Defining the UI for Tasks and Activities
term details output, search testing, Term Details
terminology, ATG Merchandising Terminology
testing search queries
creating a test, Creating a Search Test
deleting tests, Managing Search Tests and Search Test Folders
evaluating results, Evaluating Test Results
facets, Testing Facets
guidelines, Guidelines for Search Tests
output types, Test Output Types
overview, Search Testing Overview
process, Performing Search Tests
saving tests, Saving and Organizing Tests, Saving a Search Test
specifying criteria, Specifying the Search Criteria to Test
specifying the output, Specifying the Test Output
third-party application servers, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
tiered prices, Defining Volume Pricing
Add to Project button, Working on a Task
Remove button, Working on a Task
toolbar buttons
hiding/showing, The Merchandising Task Configuration File
tracked item details output, search testing, Tracked Item Details
tree view
changing bucket size, Modifying Tree Views
changing visible asset types, Modifying Tree Views
Catalog, Creating and Organizing Assets
facets, Designing a Site with Multiple Facets
search configuraitons, Structuring the Search Configuration Tree


undoing property value changes, Undoing Property Value Changes
uninstalling ATG Merchandising, Removing ATG Merchandising
unlinked catalog items
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
Unlinked Catalog Items view, The Merchandising Task Configuration File, Unlinked Catalog Items View
unlinking, Unlinking Assets
unsecured repositories, Configuring Secured and Unsecured Repositories
user interface, Defining the UI for Tasks and Activities
accessing, Accessing the ATG Merchandising UI
configuring, Customizing ATG Merchandising
custom catalog differences, Standard or Custom Catalogs
customizing views, Customizing Views
main page, Main Page
overview, : User Interface Reference
resource bundles, Working with Resource Bundles
accounts, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
assigning price lists, Providing Price Lists to Users
publishing, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
roles, Setting Up User Accounts and Roles
using and defining price lists, Using and Defining Price Lists
using dynamic selection, Using Dynamic Selections
using guided selection ranges, Using Guided Selection Ranges
using one selection for each faceting property value, Using One Selection for Each Faceting Property Value
using specified selections, Using Specified Selections


WebLogic, application assembly and deployment, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
WebSphere, application assembly and deployment, Assembling and Deploying an ATG Merchandising Application
assigning tasks, Working on a Task
configuring, Configuring Workflows
creating, Configuring Workflows
default, Configuring Workflows
definition, ATG Merchandising Terminology
Manage Commerce Assets, Configuring Workflows
overview, Projects and Workflows
tailoring UI, Defining the UI for Tasks and Activities
tasks, Working on a Task
working on tasks, Working on a Task
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