ATG Merchandising uses /atg/userprofiling/AccessControlServlet to ensure that only users who are logged in to ATG can access ATG Merchandising features. You can use AccessControlServlet to restrict access to portions of your site. When you implement this servlet, you use the accessControllers property to map a partial URL to an access controller component, which defines access limitations.

If you run your application module on the same server as ATG Merchandising as most users do, you will need to update the properties file for this component so that you won’t override access restrictions provided in other configuration layers. If you don’t make this change, users may be permitted to view pages in the /Merchandising context when they are not logged in and may encounter errors. To ensure that users are re-routed appropriately to the login page, configure your file.

Users who have configured AccessControlServlet in a properties file previously, follow these steps:

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