Because Search Testing replicates the conditions on your Web site, you need to update Search Testing components with the same property values as their production counterparts, except where other sections in this chapter instruct you to provide values. For the most part, this process involves the copying of property values from one component to another; however, your site may be coded to overwrite some properties in components with dynamic values provided by site JSPs. For that reason, when you are copying property values, be sure to check your JSPs for tags that update values. If you find any, you’ll need to update the Search Testing component with the static value that’s most often passed to the JSP.

Although you need to make updates to some component properties, a number of properties are provided for you and in fact, if you change them, Search Testing will overwrite your changes. Some components, such as the Search Testing Form Handler, automatically derive property values from the production instance of that component, so although it’s vital that the values of these two components are identical, they will be by default.

Note: You may add additional instances of Facet Search Tools and Search Configuration Request Processor, but you shouldn’t overwrite the instances defined in Search Testing.

If you’ve created production instances of the following classes or made updates to properties of the production instances, create or update the corresponding Search Testing resources as follows. Most resources will have the same name and location in both instances and any differences are noted in the table below:



Component: DocumentSetConstraint


all properties

Component: ParserOptions


all properties

Component: /atg/commerce/search/catalog/


documentSetConstraints, parserOptions, and relQuestSettings (subproperty activeSolutionZones in particular)

Search Testing Instance: /atg/commerce/search/testing/

Production Instance: a component of class, which is most likely /atg/commerce/search/catalog/QueryFormHandler


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