A workflow defines a set of tasks in an organized sequence that you move through by selecting task actions. When you create a project, you select a workflow, which acts as a template, providing the structure and actions available in the project. For general information about workflows, see the Project Workflows chapter of the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

ATG Merchandising includes two commerce workflows. The workflows themselves have identical tasks—Author, Review Content, Deploy—but differ in the parts of the UI to which they provide access. Depending on the command you specify when you assemble your application, the workflow will deploy only to a production site or first to a staging site and then to a production site.

Name in the ATG Business Control Center

Name in the ATG Control Center and WDL file


Manage Commerce Assets


Designed for merchandising users who work with commerce and search assets.

Administer Commerce Search


Designed for administrators tasked with configuring ATG Search and ATG Merchandising.

If you find the ATG Merchandising workflows are insufficient for your business needs, modify them or create custom workflows. For more information about workflows, refer to the following resources:

When you create a workflow in the ATG Control Center, it automatically displays in the ATG Business Control Center under Merchandising in the Operations list as long as you save the workflow in the /atg/registry/data/epubworkflows/Commerce directory. If you’d prefer to keep the workflow in a different directory, you need to update the /atg/commerce/web/CommerceActivitySource component workflowDirectories property to with the new directory name and path.

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