Unlinked Catalog Items view displays the list of catalog assets that are not linked to any parent in the catalog hierarchy. This view includes the following catalog assets:

Unlinked catalog items do not appear on your Web site, and, if you use ATG Search, they do not appear in search results unless configured to do so (see Excluding Uncategorized Products from Indexing in the ATG Commerce Search Guide). Keep this in mind when editing assets in Unlinked Catalog Items view because changes you make do not appear on your site unless you link the asset to a parent in the catalog.

To access the Unlinked Catalog Items view, select Unlinked Catalog Items from the Show menu on the Browse tab.

In Unlinked Catalog Items view, you can perform the following tasks:


Related Topic

Create new assets.

Creating Assets

Modify asset property values.

Modifying Assets Individually

Add assets to the Multi Edit tab so you can modify many at once.

Modifying Assets in Bulk

Duplicate existing assets.

Creating Assets Based on Existing Assets

Link assets to an additional location.

Linking Assets

Move assets to a new location.

Moving Assets

Unlink assets from a particular location.

Unlinking Assets

Add assets to your project.

Adding Assets to a Project

Delete assets.

Deleting Assets

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