After you create a search test and select the search criteria, choose the output you want to see in the test results. For suggestions of which output types to choose, see Guidelines for Search Tests.

Before you begin:

To specify the output for a search test:

  1. In the Details pane of a search test, choose how you want the search results to appear in the test output by selecting a Results option, as follows:

    • To display the search results with similar information to what a site user would see, choose Standard.

      Administrators configure what information this output includes and how many results to show on each page. This option typically shows an item’s position number, name, ID, and final ranking score.

    • To see how the property weighting, value ranking, and positioning rules of a search configuration impact an item’s final score, choose Ranking Calculations.

    • To display the search results grouped with sub-items, choose Sub-Items. This option only applies if your site is configured to group search results.

      If your search engine is indexed by SKU, for example, but your commerce site groups search results by product, this output shows the individual SKUs and their rankings in addition to the product-level score. The number of sub-items returned is configured by the administrator.

    • To exclude the list of search results from the test output, choose None.

  2. Under Output Details, select additional output types from the following options:

    • To see the search configuration applied to this search, if any, and how the configuration is chosen from the search configuration tree, select Search Configuration Details.

    • To see detailed information about how the search text is processed, select Term Details.

    • To see how redirection, exclusion, and positioning rules affect the search results, select Query Rule Details. This option also displays information about any custom rules created for your site.

    • If you entered item IDs in the Track Items field, select Tracked Item Details to see the details of how those items are processed by the search engine.

      Select this option also if you want to view the Search Processing Summary table for all search results, regardless of whether you entered tracked items. See Search Processing Summary.

    • To see more information about facets that are applied, including the values or ranges of the facets and how they are selected, select Facet Details.

      Note: If you want to test undeployed facets without selecting a category in the test inputs, choose this option. For more information, see Testing Undeployed Facets.

  3. Click Search to run the test.

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