You can modify a list view by:

Notice that, even though you can change the types of assets a view lets you create, you can’t change the types of assets that are visible in a view. Each list view displays one type of assets and its subtypes. If you want a view to display a different type of asset, create a new view as described in Creating Views section of the Configuring the Asset Manager chapter in the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

Changing Navigation Pane Settings

Each view has a component of class atg.web.assetmanager.configuration.FilterableBrowseListViewConfiguration that governs how the Navigation pane displays assets for that view. The Promotions view, for example, uses the /atg/commerce/web/assetmanager/PromotionsBrowseTabConfiguration component for that purpose. Adjust the following properties on this component as needed:

You can find more information about the FilterableBrowseListViewConfiguration class and its properties in the Creating Views section in the Configuring the Asset Manager chapter of the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

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