You can adapt ATG Merchandising so that the UI is tailored to the actions you aim to perform in it. For example, activities let you browse ATG Merchandising, but do not permit you to edit commerce assets. To ensure that users can’t perform prohibited actions, the UI hides certain buttons and tabs from users who enter ATG Merchandising through the Browse activity.

When you customize the UI for tasks or activities, you define tags in a task configuration file. ATG Merchandising comes with one such file, but others are included with the Personalization module. To learn about the Personalization files as well as basic information about the process for customizing the UI in this way, see the Tailoring the UI for Specific Workflows, Tasks, and Activities chapter of the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

Note: Another task configuration file is provided to display search merchandising and faceted search UI elements to users who also have ATG Search. Altering the parts of the UI for those features is not recommended.

One activity (Browse) and one workflow (Manage Commerce Assets) are included with ATG Merchandising. Since there are no specific UI configuration settings defined for them in the task configuration file, they use the settings for the default activity and default task, respectively, verbatim.

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