The export and import features include customizable properties as well as settings to help you troubleshoot export and import tasks should you encounter issues. These properties are set in the following components:

For information about using the export feature, see Exporting Assets to Excel Format. For information about using the import feature, see Importing Assets from a Spreadsheet.

To view instructions for setting component properties, see the ATG Programming Guide.

Customizing Export

You can use properties in the Export Asset component to customize the number of characters displayed for each property in the preview table on the export dialog and the character used to indicate a truncated value. By default, the export preview table shows the first 30 characters of each exported property value and uses an ellipsis to indicate if the display has been truncated.

To change the truncation character, set the truncationIndicator property to the character of your choice. The default character is an ellipsis (…).

Note: The actual exported value is not truncated, just the display of the value in the preview table.

To change the maximum number of characters displayed for a property in the export preview table, set the maxPreviewFieldLength property to the number of characters you want to display before truncating.

Customizing Import

To change the character used to append or prepend values to collection properties, set the appendPrependIdentifier property to the character of your choice. The default character is an ampersand (&).

Troubleshooting Export and Import

If you encounter issues with the export and import features of ATG Merchandising, there are several settings you can use to help troubleshoot the problem.

Configuring Transaction Time Out

If a user attempts to import or export very large sets of data, it is possible that the transaction will time out before the import or export operation is complete. To avoid this problem, you can increase the transaction timeout for your application server. For instructions, see Configuring Data Sources and Transaction Management in the ATG Installation and Configuration Guide.

Modifying the Transaction Batch Size

The export and import features process assets one at a time from top to bottom in the spreadsheet. These tasks are batched into transactions that read or write a set number of repository items before beginning a new transaction. If you encounter issues with transaction time outs or other performance problems related to transaction size, you can customize the number of repository items that are processed in each batch.

To modify the transaction batch size:

  1. To modify the export transaction batch size, locate the following component: atg/web/assetmanager/transfer/ExportAsset.

  2. To modify the import transaction batch size, locate the following component: atg/web/assetmanager/transfer/ImportAsset.

  3. Set the transactionBatchSize property to the number of rows to process before beginning a new transaction.

Turning on Debug Logs and Setting Debug Level

To turn on the debug logs and set the debug level for the export feature:

  1. Locate the Export Asset component at: atg/web/assetmanager/transfer/ExportAsset

  2. Turn on the debug logs by setting the loggingDebug property to true.

  3. Set the debug level for the export debug logs by editing the value of the debugLevel property, as follows:

    • Set the value to 5 or above to include transaction information.

    • Set the value to 7 or above to log information about each item exported.

    Note: Higher values diminish performance.

To turn on debug logs for the import feature:

  1. Locate the Import Asset component at: atg/web/assetmanager/transfer/ImportAsset

  2. Turn on the debug logs by setting the loggingDebug property to true.

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