When you perform a search test, the test output shows you the list of search results that a site user would see in the order that they would appear. To help you analyze the results, you can also choose to include any of several additional output types. For information on interpreting the different types of test output, see Evaluating Test Results.

The following list describes the additional output types:

  • Search Configuration Details

    The search configuration details output shows whether a search configuration is applied to the results, and if so, which one and why it was selected.

    You can use this output type to troubleshoot why a search configuration isn’t applied to a search, for example, or to test the structure of your search configuration tree.

  • Term Details

    The term details output shows how the search engine processes query text entered by a site user.

    With this output type, you can test the results of using common synonyms to locate a product, or explore what happens if a site user enters a misspelled word. You can also test the impact of using search term operators, such as a wildcard character or quotation marks around a term.

  • Query Rule Details

    The query rule details output shows how the search engine applies the redirection, exclusion, and positioning rules defined in a search configuration. It also displays the results of any custom rules defined for your site.

    If query rules change the contents or the order of the results list, you can click a link in the query rule details output to see how the search results would appear if the rules were not applied.

  • Tracked Item Details

    If you enter an item ID in the Track Items field of the search test, the tracked item details output shows you whether the item appears in the search results and if so, how it appears and why it appears that way.

    You can also use this output type to view a table showing a summary of how the search was processed, regardless of whether you enter items to track. See Search Processing Summary.

  • Facet Details

    The facet details output type shows you the facet sets that are applied to the search results and how the facet sets were chosen. You also use this output type to test undeployed facets from your project when you are testing a text-based search. See Testing Undeployed Facets.

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