If you use secured repositories, register a list of repositories that you want to allow ATG Merchandising users to import data to when they import assets from a spreadsheet.

Out-of-the-box, ATG Merchandising allows users to import data to any valid repository. As a result, users can bypass secured repositories when importing from a spreadsheet by specifying the name of the underlying unsecured repository. To prevent this, you can create a list of secured repositories that allow data import. Users will not be able to import data to repositories that are not on the list.

For more information about the import feature, see Importing Assets from a Spreadsheet. For more information about secured repositories, see the ATG Repository Guide.

To create a registry of repositories that allow import from spreadsheets:

  1. Locate the following component: atg/web/assetmanager/transfer/ImportAsset.

  2. Set the importRepositoryPaths property to the secured repositories that you want to allow ATG Merchandising users to import assets to. Use commas to separate multiple repositories. For example:


    Note: You can also include unsecured repositories in the list, if your environment requires it. You can use this setting to limit import to either unsecured or secured repositories.

ATG Merchandising users will only be able to import assets to the specified repositories.

Important: If the value of the importRepositoryPaths property is null, then users will be able to import data to any valid repository.

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