Business users create and refine commerce catalogs using ATG Merchandising. When you use ATG Merchandising, you set up catalogs and populate them with categories, products, and SKUs. Your products and SKUs may have images and copy that you create, refine, and ultimately deploy to your live Web site. If your ATG environment includes the ATG Search product, you use ATG Merchandising to manage search merchandising features for your catalog.

Each task performed in a catalog is tracked in a project. ATG Merchandising relies on the features of ATG Content Administration to manage projects and versions. There are several benefits to this approach. For one, the changes you make to catalog assets are saved as discrete versions. You can view old versions or merge two versions to create a new one. Each project has a defined set of tasks that track its progress from creation to deployment. For example, after you update a product description, you advance the project to the review task, which might be performed by another user. In this way, ATG Merchandising automates the catalog development process.

This guide covers the following topics:

Installing ATG Merchandising
Provides instruction to administrators for installing evaluation and production versions of ATG Merchandising.

Configuring ATG Merchandising
Explains how to set up a production version of ATG Merchandising.

Working in ATG Merchandising
Describes how to access ATG Merchandising and use ATG Merchandising projects.

Creating and Organizing Assets
Explains how to create, duplicate, link, unlink, and move assets.

Modifying and Previewing the Properties of Assets
Describes how to update property values, both individually and in batches. Also, describes how to overwrite values in the current project with the prior version and explains how to preview your changes.

Defining Promotions
Contains instructions for setting up promotions.

Using and Defining Price Lists
Provides the information you need to set up price lists and assign them to users.

Defining Facets
Describes how facets work and their configuration options.

Defining Search Configurations
Explains how to define search configurations that you use to control the list of search results displayed to users on a commerce site.

Testing Search Queries
Describes how to use the search testing feature to test facets and search configurations, both before and after deployment, and preview search results.

Removing Assets
Explains how to delete assets and de-activate promotions.

Customizing ATG Merchandising
Explains how to customize workflows, views, UI labels, and asset types, and describes how to control ATG Merchandising screen elements and asset properties.

Appendix A, : User Interface Reference
Describes the tabs, panes, and views of the ATG Merchandising UI and lists the tasks you can perform in each.

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