You use the Browse tab to locate and view your catalog assets according to their organizational structure, for example, you can explore products using the catalog hierarchy or find media assets by folder. The Browse tab consists of several views that each display assets according to the most appropriate organization. For example, Catalog view shows a tree of products and SKUs organized into categories and catalogs, and Promotions view shows an alphabetical list of promotions.

When there are a large number of assets in a given level of the tree, ATG Merchandising divides those assets into groupings called buckets. You can recognize buckets because they don’t have an asset icon or a checkbox, and they are named for a range of assets, typically the name of the first and last assets in the bucket.

Browse Tab Views

The following views are accessible from the Browse tab:

Browse Tab Toolbar

The following buttons can appear in the Browse tab toolbar, depending on which view you select:

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