When you use One Selection for Each Faceting Property Value , you cause one selection for each faceting property value to be generated. For a facet called manufacturer, each manufacturer has its own selection. It’s a good idea to use One Selection for Each Value when your faceting property has values that are words, not numbers, and many products have the same value.

By default, all manufacturers are displayed; you have the option, however, to eliminate some manufacturers or to cause only the manufacturers you specify to display. Keep in mind that implicitly or explicitly excluding a manufacturer from displaying as a selection prevents the products that use that manufacturer also from displaying.

Use the Specified Faceting Property Values property to list the particular faceting property values that you want represented on your site as selections. Know that the values you specify here display on your site even if those selections don’t contain any products.

If you want to display the products manufactured by your two featured manufacturers, Callap and Devonit, for example, you include them in the Specified Faceting Property Values property as follows:

To remove a faceting property value from the Specified Facet Values property, click the delete button beside the value.

The Excluded Faceting Property Values property lets you prevent specific selections and their corresponding products from displaying. If you are a clothing retailer, you might use this property to display products by type then by size, which requires two facets: one called Type of Clothing and one called Size. In order to exclude all pants, use this property to remove them from the Type of Clothing facet:

To remove a faceting property value from the Excluded Facet Values property, click the delete button beside the value.

Note that if a property value exists in both the Specified and Excluded Facet Values properties, it will be excluded from your site.

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