You can secure out-of-the-box as well as custom repositories. If you modify your installation to use unsecured versions of the Merchandising Product Catalog and Price List repositories, the instructions below describe how to re-implement the secured versions.

Note: The Merchandising Product Catalog and Price List repositories are secured by default.

To secure a repository:

  1. For all repositories except Merchandising Product Catalog and Price Lists, create and configure a Secured Repository Adapter component of class

    The corresponding Content Administration component is called Secured Publishing Repository and described in the ATG Content Administration Programming Guide.

    Note: Each repository requires a unique component instance.

  2. Replace the entry for the unsecured repository in the /atg/registry/ContentRepositories.initialRepositories property with the path and name for the Secured Repository Adapter you just created.

    Note: For the Merchandising Product Catalog, skip this step and instead change the componentPath property of the MerchandisingProductCatalog component to the unsecured repository. The ContentRepositories.initialRepositories property should always be set to MerchandisingProductCatalog, whose componentPath property is then mapped to the exact repository that’s used.

  3. Specify preliminary access controls to assets in an repository definition file:

    • For all repositories except Merchandising Product Catalog and Price Lists, create and configure a secured repository definition file as described in the ATG Repository Guide.

    • For Merchandising Product Catalog and Price Lists, modify the existing definition files listed in the table shown in Configuring Secured and Unsecured Repositories.

  4. Update all views that display assets from the repository you are securing. See Modifying Views for Secured or Unsecured Repositories.

After you have set up secured repositories, you can change access rights for given assets using the Security tab for a given asset in the ATG Merchandising UI. For instructions, see the Configuring Access Rights for Assets section in the ATG Business Control Center Security chapter of the ATG Business Control Center Administration and Development Guide.

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