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マニュアルページ セクション 8: システム管理コマンド


更新: 2018年8月8日

genccode (8)


genccode - generate C or platform specific assembly code from an ICU data file.


genccode [ -h, -?, --help ] [ -a, --assembly name  ]  [  -d,  --destdir
destination  ]  [  -n,  --name  name  ] [ -e, --entrypoint name ] [ -f,
--filename name ] [ filename ...  ]


GENCCODE(8)                     ICU 59.1 Manual                    GENCCODE(8)

       genccode  -  generate  C or platform specific assembly code from an ICU
       data file.

       genccode [ -h, -?, --help ] [ -a, --assembly name  ]  [  -d,  --destdir
       destination  ]  [  -n,  --name  name  ] [ -e, --entrypoint name ] [ -f,
       --filename name ] [ filename ...  ]

       genccode reads each of the supplied filename and writes out  a  C  file
       containing a compilable definition of the data in the data file.  The C
       file name is made by taking the base name of the data filename, replac-
       ing dots by underscores, and adding a .c file extension.

       If  the -a option is used, platform specific assembly code is generated
       instead of C code.  Most C compilers will accept both  C  and  assembly
       files.  Instead of writing a filename with a .c file extension, a file-
       name with a .s will be written instead.

       If genccode is called with no filename it terminates gracefully.

       -h, -?, --help
              Print help about usage and exit.

       -a, --assembly name
              Output assembly code instead of C code.  Use -h to see the  list
              of  available  types  of assembly to generate and to specify for
              this option.

       -d, --destdir destination
              Set the destination directory to destination.  The default  des-
              tination directory is the current directory.

       -n, --name name
              Set  the  data name to name instead of the default. This name is
              also used as the base name of the output. The  default  name  is
              made of the icudt prefix, followed by a two-digit version number
              corresponding to the current version of the ICU release,  and  a
              single  letter indicating the endianness of the data (the letter
              b indicated big endian data, and the letter l  indicates  little
              endian ones).

       -f, --filename name
              Normally,  an  ICU  data  file such as mydata.icu will be turned
              into mydata_icu.c and mydata_icu.o.  However, if this  parameter
              was  set  to "somedata", the output files will be somedata.o and
              somedata.c, respectively.

       -e, --entrypoint name
              Set the data entry point (used for linking against the data in a
              shared  library  form) to name.  The default entry point name is
              made of the data (set by the -n, --name option) followed  by  an
              underscore  and  the  type  of  the  data (set by the -t, --type


       Copyright (C) 2000-2004 IBM, Inc. and others.

       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |Availability   | developer/icu         |
       |Stability      | Pass-through volatile |
       This    software    was    built    from    source     available     at
       https://github.com/oracle/solaris-userland.    The  original  community
       source      was       downloaded       from        http://download.icu-

       Further information about this software can be found on the open source
       community website at http://site.icu-project.org/.

ICU MANPAGE                      11 March 2004                     GENCCODE(8)